N.Y. Real Property Tax Law Section 487
Exemption from taxation for certain energy systems


As used in this section:


“Solar or wind energy equipment” means collectors, controls, energy storage devices, heat pumps and pumps, heat exchangers, windmills, and other materials, hardware or equipment necessary to the process by which solar radiation or wind is (i) collected, (ii) converted into another form of energy such as thermal, electrical, mechanical or chemical, (iii) stored, (iv) protected from unnecessary dissipation and (v) distributed. It does not include pipes, controls, insulation or other equipment which are part of the normal heating, cooling, or insulation system of a building. It does include insulated glazing or insulation to the extent that such materials exceed the energy efficiency standards required by law.


“Solar or wind energy system” means an arrangement or combination of solar or wind energy equipment designed to provide heating, cooling, hot water, or mechanical, chemical, or electrical energy by the collection of solar or wind energy and its conversion, storage, protection and distribution.


“Authority” means the New York state energy research and development authority.


“Incremental cost” means the increased cost of a solar or wind energy system or farm waste energy system or component thereof which also serves as part of the building structure, above that for similar conventional construction, which enables its use as a solar or wind energy or farm waste energy system or component.


“Farm waste electric generating equipment” means equipment that generates electric energy from biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste, such as livestock manure, farming waste and food processing wastes with a rated capacity of not more than one thousand kilowatts that is (i) manufactured, installed and operated in accordance with applicable government and industry standards, (ii) connected to the electric system and operated in conjunction with an electric corporation’s transmission and distribution facilities, (iii) operated in compliance with the provisions of Public Service Law § 66-J (Net energy metering for residential solar, farm waste, non-residential solar electric generating systems, micro-combined heat and power g...)section sixty-six-j of the public service law, (iv) fueled at a minimum of ninety percent on an annual basis by biogas produced from the anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste such as livestock manure materials, crop residues and food processing wastes, and


fueled by biogas generated by anaerobic digestion with at least fifty percent by weight of its feedstock being livestock manure materials on an annual basis.


“Farm waste energy system” means an arrangement or combination of farm waste electric generating equipment or other materials, hardware or equipment necessary to the process by which agricultural waste biogas is produced, collected, stored, cleaned, and converted into forms of energy such as thermal, electrical, mechanical or chemical and by which the biogas and converted energy are distributed on-site. It does not include pipes, controls, insulation or other equipment which are part of the normal heating, cooling or insulation system of a building.


“Micro-hydroelectric energy equipment” means any energy storage device, penstock, turbine, generator and other materials, hardware and equipment necessary to the process by which the flow of stream or river water or water from other water bodies is (i) converted into electrical energy;


protected from unnecessary dissipation; and


distributed. It does not include pipes, controls, insulation or other equipment which are part of the normal heating, cooling, or insulation system of a building. It does not include insulated glazing or insulation to the extent that such materials exceed the energy efficiency standards established by law.


“Micro-hydroelectric energy system” means an arrangement or combination of micro-hydroelectric energy equipment designed to provide electrical energy by the use of flowing water. It does not include pipes, controls, insulation or other equipment which are part of the normal heating, cooling, or insulation system of a building. It does not include insulated glazing or insulation to the extent that such materials exceed the energy efficiency standards established by law.


“Fuel cell electric generating equipment” means a solid oxide, molten carbonate, proton exchange membrane or phosphoric acid fuel cell with a combined rated capacity of not more than two thousand kilowatts. It does not include insulated glazing or insulation to the extent that such materials exceed the energy efficiency standards established by law.


“Fuel cell electric generating system” means an arrangement or combination of equipment designed to produce electrical energy through reaction of chemicals, including but not limited to hydrogen, oxygen, methane and natural gas.


“Micro-combined heat and power generating equipment” means an integrated, cogenerating building heating and electrical power generation system, owned, leased or operated by a residential customer, located at such customer’s premises, operating on any fuel and of any applicable engine, fuel cell, fuel-flexible linear generator or other technology with a rated capacity of at least one kilowatt and not more than ten kilowatts electric and any thermal output that has a design total fuel use efficiency in the production of heat and electricity of not less than eighty percent, and annually produces at least two thousand kilowatt hours of useful energy in the form of electricity that may work in combination with supplemental or parallel conventional heating systems, that is manufactured, installed and operated in accordance with applicable government and industry standards, that is connected to the electric system and operated in conjunction with an electric corporation’s transmission and distribution facilities. It does not include pipes, controls, insulation or other equipment which are part of the normal heating, cooling, or insulation system of a building. It does not include insulated glazing or insulation to the extent that such materials exceed the energy efficiency standards established by law.


“Micro-combined heat and power generating equipment system” means an arrangement or combination of equipment designed to produce electrical energy and heat for a residential customer on such customer’s premises.


“Electric energy storage equipment” means a set of technologies capable of storing electric energy and releasing that energy as electric power at a later time. Electric energy storage technologies may store energy as potential, kinetic, chemical or thermal energy, that can be released as electric power and include, but are not limited to, various types of batteries, flywheels, electrochemical capacitors, compressed air storage and thermal storage devices.


“Electric energy storage system” means an arrangement or combination of equipment designed to store electrical energy in electric energy storage equipment and release electric power at a later time.


“Fuel-flexible linear generator electric generating equipment” or “fuel-flexible linear generator” means an integrated system consisting of oscillators, cylinders, electricity conversion equipment and associated balance of plant components that directly convert the linear motion of the oscillators into electricity and which has a combined rated capacity of not more than two thousand kilowatts.


“Fuel-flexible linear generator electric generating system” means an arrangement or combination of fuel-flexible linear generator electric generating equipment designed to produce electrical energy from linear motion created by the reaction of gaseous or liquid fuels, including but not limited to biogas and natural gas.


Real property which includes a solar or wind energy system, farm waste energy system, micro-hydroelectric energy system, fuel cell electric generating system, micro-combined heat and power generating equipment system, electric energy storage equipment and electric energy storage system, or fuel-flexible linear generator electric generating system approved in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of any increase in the value thereof by reason of the inclusion of such solar or wind energy system, farm waste energy system, micro-hydroelectric energy system, fuel cell electric generating system, micro-combined heat and power generating equipment system, electric energy storage equipment and electric energy storage system, or fuel-flexible linear generator electronic generating system for a period of fifteen years. When a solar or wind energy system or components thereof, farm waste energy system, micro-hydroelectric energy system, fuel cell electric generating system, micro-combined heat and power generating equipment system, electric energy storage equipment and electric energy storage system, or fuel-flexible linear generator electronic generating system also serve as part of the building structure, the increase in value which shall be exempt from taxation shall be equal to the assessed value attributable to such system or components multiplied by the ratio of the incremental cost of such system or components to the total cost of such system or components. The exemption provided by this section is inapplicable to any structure that satisfies the requirements for exemption under section four hundred eighty-three-e of this title.


The president of the authority shall provide definitions and guidelines for the eligibility for exemption of the solar and wind energy equipment and systems, farm waste energy equipment and systems, micro-hydroelectric equipment and systems, fuel cell electric generating equipment and systems, micro-combined heat and power generating equipment and systems, electric energy storage equipment and electric energy storage system, and fuel-flexible linear generator electric generating equipment and systems described in paragraphs (a), (b), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (o) and (p) of subdivision one of this section.


No solar or wind energy system, farm waste energy system, micro-hydroelectric energy system, fuel cell electric generating system, micro-combined heat and power generating equipment system, electric energy storage equipment and electric energy storage system, or fuel-flexible linear generator electric generating system shall be entitled to any exemption from taxation under this section unless such system meets the guidelines set by the president of the authority and all other applicable provisions of law.


The exemption granted pursuant to this section shall only be applicable to (a) solar or wind energy systems or farm waste energy systems which are (i) existing or constructed prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-eight or (ii) constructed subsequent to January first, nineteen hundred ninety-one and prior to January first, two thousand thirty, and


micro-hydroelectric energy systems, fuel cell electric generating systems, micro-combined heat and power generating equipment systems, electric energy storage equipment or electric energy storage system, or fuel-flexible linear generator electric generating system which are constructed subsequent to January first, two thousand eighteen and prior to January first, two thousand thirty.


Such exemption shall be granted only upon application by the owner of the real property on a form prescribed and made available by the commissioner in cooperation with the authority. The applicant shall furnish such information as the commissioner shall require. The application shall be filed with the assessor of the appropriate county, city, town or village on or before the taxable status date of such county, city, town or village. A copy of such application shall be filed with the authority.


If the assessor is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to an exemption pursuant to this section, he or she shall approve the application and enter the taxable assessed value of the parcel for which an exemption has been granted pursuant to this section on the assessment roll with the taxable property, with the amount of the exemption set forth in a separate column as computed pursuant to subdivision two of this section in a separate column. In the event that real property granted an exemption pursuant to this section ceases to be used primarily for eligible purposes, the exemption granted pursuant to this section shall cease.


(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision two of this section, a county, city, town or village may by local law or a school district, other than a school district to which article fifty-two of the education law applies, may by resolution provide either (i) that no exemption under this section shall be applicable within its jurisdiction with respect to any solar or wind energy system or farm waste energy system which began construction subsequent to January first, nineteen hundred ninety-one or the effective date of such local law, ordinance or resolution, whichever is later, and/or (ii) that no exemption under this section shall be applicable within its jurisdiction with respect to any micro-hydroelectric energy system, fuel cell electric generating system, micro-combined heat and power generating equipment system, electric energy storage equipment or electric energy storage system, or fuel-flexible linear generator electric generating system constructed subsequent to January first, two thousand eighteen or the effective date of such local law, ordinance or resolution, whichever is later. A copy of any such local law or resolution shall be filed with the commissioner and with the president of the authority.


Construction of a solar or wind energy system or a farm waste energy system shall be deemed to have begun upon the full execution of a contract or interconnection agreement with a utility; provided however, that if such contract or interconnection agreement requires a deposit to be made, then construction shall be deemed to have begun when the contract or interconnection agreement is fully executed and the deposit is made. The owner or developer of such a system shall provide written notification to the appropriate local jurisdiction or jurisdictions upon execution of the contract or the interconnection agreement.


(a) A county, city, town, village or school district, except a school district under article fifty-two of the education law, that has not acted to remove the exemption under this section may require the owner of a property which includes a solar or wind energy system which meets the requirements of subdivision four of this section, to enter into a contract for payments in lieu of taxes. Such contract may require annual payments in an amount not to exceed the amounts which would otherwise be payable but for the exemption under this section. If the owner or developer of such a system provides written notification to a taxing jurisdiction of its intent to construct such a system, then in order to require the owner or developer of such system to enter into a contract for payments in lieu of taxes, such taxing jurisdiction must notify such owner or developer in writing of its intent to require a contract for payments in lieu of taxes within sixty days of receiving the written notification. Written notification to a taxing jurisdiction for this purpose shall include a hard copy letter sent to the highest-ranking official of the taxing jurisdiction. Such letter shall explicitly reference subdivision nine of Real Property Tax Law § 487 (Exemption from taxation for certain energy systems)section four hundred eighty-seven of the real property tax law, and clearly state that, unless the taxing jurisdiction responds within sixty days in writing with its intent to require a contract for payments in lieu of taxes, such project shall not be obligated to make such payments.


Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subdivision, should a taxing jurisdiction adopt a law or resolution at any time within or prior to the sixty day window, indicating the taxing jurisdiction’s ongoing intent to require a contract for payments in lieu of taxes for such systems, such law or resolution shall be considered notification to owners or developers and no further action is required on the part of the taxing jurisdiction, provided that such law or resolution remains in effect through the end of the sixty day notification period.


Any payment in lieu of a tax agreement shall not operate for a period of more than fifteen years, commencing in each instance from the date on which the benefits of such exemption first become available and effective.


Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, on or after April first, two thousand nineteen, a county, city, town or village may by local law or a school district, other than a school district to which article fifty-two of the education law applies, may by resolution provide that real property that comprises or includes a solar or wind energy system, farm waste energy system, microhydroelectric energy system, fuel cell electric generating system, microcombined heat and power generating equipment system, electric energy storage system, or fuel-flexible linear generator as such terms are defined in paragraphs (b), (f), (h), (j), (l), (n), and


of subdivision one of this section (hereinafter, individually or collectively, “energy system”), shall be permanently exempt from any taxation, special ad valorem levies, and special assessments to the extent provided in § 490 (Exemption from special ad valorem levies and special assessments)section four hundred ninety of this article, and the owner of such property shall not be subject to any requirement to enter into a contract for payments in lieu of taxes in accordance with subdivision nine of this section, if:


the energy system is installed on real property that is owned or controlled by the state of New York, a department or agency thereof, or a state authority as that term is defined by subdivision one of Public Authorities Law § 2 (Definitions)section two of the public authorities law; and


the state of New York, a department or agency thereof, or a state authority as that term is defined by subdivision one of Public Authorities Law § 2 (Definitions)section two of the public authorities law has agreed to purchase the energy produced by such energy system or the environmental credits or attributes created by virtue of the energy system’s operation, in accordance with a written agreement with the owner or operator of such energy system. Such exemption shall be granted only upon application by the owner of the real property on a form prescribed by the commissioner, which application shall be filed with the assessor of the appropriate county, city, town or village on or before the taxable status date of such county, city, town or village.

Source: Section 487 — Exemption from taxation for certain energy systems, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/RPT/487 (updated Apr. 23, 2021; accessed Oct. 12, 2024).

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Institute of arts and sciences
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Opera houses
Performing arts buildings
Fraternal organizations
Real property used for professional major league sports
Interdenominational centers
Theatrical corporations created by act of congress
Academies of music
Officers of religious denominations
Trustees of a hospital, playground and library
Infant homes
Soldiers monument corporations
Historical societies
Historic property
Agricultural societies
Veterans organizations
Exemption option
Municipal railroads
Exemption for first-time homebuyers of newly constructed homes
Exemption for Cold War veterans
Improvements to property of severely injured members of the armed forces of the United States
Persons who are physically disabled
Improvements to property made pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Physically disabled crime victims
Persons with disabilities and limited incomes
Religious corporations
Incorporated associations of volunteer firefighters
Volunteer firefighters and fire companies in villages
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Pharmaceutical societies
Dental societies
Railroad passenger stations
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Tax exemption for off-street parking facilities providing underground shelters
Fallout shelter facilities
Forest and reforested lands
Taxation of forest land
Taxation of land used for agricultural production
Quarantined lands
Exemption from taxation of structures and buildings essential to the operation of agricultural and horticultural lands
Farm silos, farm feed grain storage bins, commodity sheds, bulk milk tanks and coolers, and manure storage and handling facilities
Historic barns
Temporary greenhouses
Farm or food processing labor camps or commissaries
Anaerobic digestion facilities
Urban redevelopment corporations and companies
Nuclear powered electric generating facilities
Residential-commercial urban exemption program
Business investment exemption
Exemption from taxation of real property used in manufacture of steel in cities of fifty thousand or more persons
Water-works corporations
Empire zone exemption
Banking development districts
Infrastructure exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential property improvement exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential property improvement
Residential investment exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential-commercial exemption program
New residential property exemption
Economic transformation area exemption
Residential investment exemption
Residential redevelopment inhibited property exemption
Residential reassessment exemption
Residential reassessment exemption
Mixed use exemption program for villages
Owner occupied residential property exemption program
Class one reassessment exemption
Residential revaluation exemption
Residential and mixed-use investment exemption
Newly constructed single-family and multi-family residential exemption
Affordable neighborhoods for New Yorkers tax incentive
Non-profit medical and dental indemnity, or hospital service corporations
Non-profit corporations operating as health maintenance organizations
Exemption from taxation for certain energy systems
Exemption from taxation of conservation improvements to certain residential premises
Retirement systems
Rehabilitation of certain class B multiple dwellings and class A multiple dwellings used for single room occupancy
Exemption from taxation of alterations and improvements to multiple dwellings to eliminate fire and health hazards

Oct. 12, 2024

Last modified:
Apr. 23, 2021

§ 487’s source at nysenate​.gov

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