General Business Law Section 390-BB
Cramming prohibited
For the purposes of this section, “cramming” means the inclusion and imposition of charges on the invoice or bill for telephone service to a customer from a cable television company, as defined in Public Service Law § 212 (Definitions)section two hundred twelve of the public service law, that provides telephone service to customers in New York, at the request of a third party or billing aggregator that (a) were not authorized by the customer, or(b)
if authorized, were obtained through misleading or deceptive means.2.
A customer shall not be liable for charges appearing on the invoice or bill of a cable television company for telephone service that are the result of cramming. No charges for any products or services, other than those provided by the cable television company, its affiliates, a third party video provider with whom a cable television company or its affiliate jointly market services, or otherwise permitted by law, shall be included on any bill or invoice for telephone service, unless the third party requesting the payment of such charges retains and provides upon request valid proof that:(a)
the customer was provided with clear and conspicuous disclosure of all material terms and conditions of the product or service being offered, including but not limited to all initial and recurring charges and the fact that such charges shall appear on the customer’s telephone service bill;(b)
after receiving clear and conspicuous disclosure as provided in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the customer explicitly consented to the nature and amount of such charges; and(c)
the third party offering the product or service or an agent of such third party provided the customer with a toll-free telephone number the customer may call and an address to which the customer may write to resolve any billing dispute.3.
Any charges for third party products or services that are included on a bill or invoice for telephone service by a cable television company without the consent of the customer having been obtained as provided in subdivision two of this section shall be void and unenforceable, and shall be removed from the bill or invoice upon notice from such customer.
Section 390-BB — Cramming prohibited, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/GBS/390-BB
(updated Apr. 9, 2021; accessed Feb. 15, 2025).