Labor Law Section 201-G
Prevention of sexual harassment
The department shall consult with the division of human rights to create and publish a model sexual harassment prevention guidance document and sexual harassment prevention policy that employers may utilize in their adoption of a sexual harassment prevention policy required by this section.a.
Such model sexual harassment prevention policy shall:(i)
prohibit sexual harassment consistent with guidance issued by the department in consultation with the division of human rights and provide examples of prohibited conduct that would constitute unlawful sexual harassment;(ii)
include but not be limited to information concerning the federal and state statutory provisions concerning sexual harassment and remedies available to victims of sexual harassment and a statement that there may be applicable local laws;(iii)
include a standard complaint form;(iv)
include a procedure for the timely and confidential investigation of complaints and ensure due process for all parties;(v)
inform employees of their rights of redress and all available forums for adjudicating sexual harassment complaints administratively and judicially;(vi)
clearly state that sexual harassment is considered a form of employee misconduct and that sanctions will be enforced against individuals engaging in sexual harassment and against supervisory and managerial personnel who knowingly allow such behavior to continue; and(vii)
clearly state that retaliation against individuals who complain of sexual harassment or who testify or assist in any proceeding under the law is unlawful.b.
Every employer shall adopt the model sexual harassment prevention policy promulgated pursuant to this subdivision or establish a sexual harassment prevention policy to prevent sexual harassment that equals or exceeds the minimum standards provided by such model sexual harassment prevention policy. Such sexual harassment prevention policy shall be provided to all employees in writing as required by subdivision two-a of this section. Such model sexual harassment prevention policy shall be publicly available and posted on the websites of both the department and the division of human rights.2.
The department shall consult with the division of human rights and produce a model sexual harassment prevention training program to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.a.
Such model sexual harassment prevention training program shall be interactive and include:(i)
an explanation of sexual harassment consistent with guidance issued by the department in consultation with the division of human rights;(ii)
examples of conduct that would constitute unlawful sexual harassment;(iii)
information concerning the federal and state statutory provisions concerning sexual harassment and remedies available to victims of sexual harassment; and(iv)
information concerning employees’ rights of redress and all available forums for adjudicating complaints.b.
The department shall include information in such model sexual harassment prevention training program addressing conduct by supervisors and any additional responsibilities for such supervisors.c.
Every employer shall utilize the model sexual harassment prevention training program pursuant to this subdivision or establish a training program for employees to prevent sexual harassment that equals or exceeds the minimum standards provided by such model training. Such sexual harassment prevention training shall be provided to all employees on an annual basis. 2-a.a.
Every employer shall provide his or her employees, in writing in English and in the language identified by each employee as the primary language of such employee, at the time of hiring and at every annual sexual harassment prevention training provided pursuant to subdivision two of this section, a notice containing such employer’s sexual harassment prevention policy and the information presented at such employer’s sexual harassment prevention training program.b.
The commissioner shall prepare templates of the model sexual harassment prevention policy created and published pursuant to subdivision one of this section and the model sexual harassment prevention training program produced pursuant to subdivision two of this section. The commissioner shall determine, in his or her discretion, which languages to provide in addition to English, based on the size of the New York state population that speaks each language and any other factor that the commissioner shall deem relevant. All such templates shall be made available to employers in such manner as determined by the commissioner.c.
When an employee identifies as his or her primary language a language for which a template is not available from the commissioner, the employer shall comply with this subdivision by providing that employee an English-language notice.d.
An employer shall not be penalized for errors or omissions in the non-English portions of any notice provided by the commissioner.3.
The commissioner may promulgate regulations as he or she deems necessary for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this section.4.
Beginning in the year two thousand twenty-two, and every succeeding four years thereafter, the department in consultation with the division of human rights shall evaluate, using the criteria within this section, the impact of the current model sexual harassment prevention guidance document and sexual harassment prevention policy. Upon the completion of each evaluation the department shall update the model sexual harassment prevention guidance document and sexual harassment prevention policy as needed.
Section 201-G — Prevention of sexual harassment, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/LAB/201-G
(updated Aug. 16, 2019; accessed Feb. 15, 2025).