N.Y. Insurance Law Section 3420
Liability insurance

  • standard provisions
  • right of injured person


No policy or contract insuring against liability for injury to person, except as provided in subsection (g) of this section, or against liability for injury to, or destruction of, property shall be issued or delivered in this state, unless it contains in substance the following provisions or provisions that are equally or more favorable to the insured and to judgment creditors so far as such provisions relate to judgment creditors:


A provision that the insolvency or bankruptcy of the person insured, or the insolvency of the insured’s estate, shall not release the insurer from the payment of damages for injury sustained or loss occasioned during the life of and within the coverage of such policy or contract.


A provision that in case judgment against the insured or the insured’s personal representative in an action brought to recover damages for injury sustained or loss or damage occasioned during the life of the policy or contract shall remain unsatisfied at the expiration of thirty days from the serving of notice of entry of judgment upon the attorney for the insured, or upon the insured, and upon the insurer, then an action may, except during a stay or limited stay of execution against the insured on such judgment, be maintained against the insurer under the terms of the policy or contract for the amount of such judgment not exceeding the amount of the applicable limit of coverage under such policy or contract.


A provision that notice given by or on behalf of the insured, or written notice by or on behalf of the injured person or any other claimant, to any licensed agent of the insurer in this state, with particulars sufficient to identify the insured, shall be deemed notice to the insurer.


A provision that failure to give any notice required to be given by such policy within the time prescribed therein shall not invalidate any claim made by the insured, an injured person or any other claimant if it shall be shown not to have been reasonably possible to give such notice within the prescribed time and that notice was given as soon as was reasonably possible thereafter.


A provision that failure to give any notice required to be given by such policy within the time prescribed therein shall not invalidate any claim made by the insured, injured person or any other claimant, unless the failure to provide timely notice has prejudiced the insurer, except as provided in paragraph four of this subsection. With respect to a claims-made policy, however, the policy may provide that the claim shall be made during the policy period, any renewal thereof, or any extended reporting period, except as provided in paragraph four of this subsection. As used in this paragraph, the terms “claims-made policy” and “extended reporting period” shall have their respective meanings as provided in a regulation promulgated by the superintendent.


A provision that, with respect to a claim arising out of death or personal injury of any person, if the insurer disclaims liability or denies coverage based upon the failure to provide timely notice, then the injured person or other claimant may maintain an action directly against such insurer, in which the sole question is the insurer’s disclaimer or denial based on the failure to provide timely notice, unless within sixty days following such disclaimer or denial, the insured or the insurer: (A) initiates an action to declare the rights of the parties under the insurance policy; and (B) names the injured person or other claimant as a party to the action.


Subject to the limitations and conditions of paragraph two of subsection (a) of this section, an action may be maintained by the following persons against the insurer upon any policy or contract of liability insurance that is governed by such paragraph, to recover the amount of a judgment against the insured or his personal representative:


any person who, or the personal representative of any person who, has obtained a judgment against the insured or the insured’s personal representative, for damages for injury sustained or loss or damage occasioned during the life of the policy or contract;


any person who, or the personal representative of any person who, has obtained a judgment against the insured or the insured’s personal representative to enforce a right of contribution or indemnity, or any person subrogated to the judgment creditor’s rights under such judgment; and


any assignee of a judgment obtained as specified in paragraph one or paragraph two of this subsection, subject further to the limitation contained in General Obligations Law § 13-103 (Transfer of judgment for sum of money)section 13-103 of the general obligations law.


(1) If an action is maintained against an insurer under the provisions of paragraph two of subsection (a) of this section and the insurer alleges in defense that the insured failed or refused to cooperate with the insurer in violation of any provision in the policy or contract requiring such cooperation, then the burden shall be upon the insurer to prove such alleged failure or refusal to cooperate.


(A) In any action in which an insurer alleges that it was prejudiced as a result of a failure to provide timely notice, the burden of proof shall be on:


the insurer to prove that it has been prejudiced, if the notice was provided within two years of the time required under the policy; or


the insured, injured person or other claimant to prove that the insurer has not been prejudiced, if the notice was provided more than two years after the time required under the policy. (B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, an irrebuttable presumption of prejudice shall apply if, prior to notice, the insured’s liability has been determined by a court of competent jurisdiction or by binding arbitration; or if the insured has resolved the claim or suit by settlement or other compromise. (C) The insurer’s rights shall not be deemed prejudiced unless the failure to timely provide notice materially impairs the ability of the insurer to investigate or defend the claim.


(1)(A) This paragraph applies with respect to a liability policy that provides coverage with respect to a claim arising out of the death or bodily injury of any person, where the policy is:


subject to § 3425 (Certain property/casualty insurance policies)section three thousand four hundred twenty-five of this article, other than an excess liability or umbrella policy; or


used to satisfy a financial responsibility requirement imposed by law or regulation. (B) Upon an insurer’s receipt of a written request by an injured person who has filed a claim or by another claimant, an insurer shall, within sixty days of receipt of the written request:


confirm to the injured person or other claimant in writing whether the insured had a liability insurance policy of the type specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph in effect with the insurer on the date of the alleged occurrence; and


specify the liability insurance limits of the coverage provided under the policy. (C) If the injured person or other claimant fails to provide sufficient identifying information to allow the insurer, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, to identify a liability insurance policy that may be relevant to the claim, the insurer shall within forty-five days of receipt of the written request, so advise the injured person or other claimant in writing and identify for the injured person or other claimant the additional information needed. Within forty-five days of receipt of the additional information, the insurer shall provide the information required under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.


If under a liability policy issued or delivered in this state, an insurer shall disclaim liability or deny coverage for death or bodily injury arising out of a motor vehicle accident or any other type of accident occurring within this state, it shall give written notice as soon as is reasonably possible of such disclaimer of liability or denial of coverage to the insured and the injured person or any other claimant.


No policy or contract of personal injury liability insurance or of property damage liability insurance, covering liability arising from the ownership, maintenance or operation of any motor vehicle or of any vehicle as defined in Vehicle & Traffic Law § 388 (Negligence in use or operation of vehicle attributable to owner)section three hundred eighty-eight of the vehicle and traffic law, or an aircraft, or any vessel as defined in Navigation Law § 48 (Negligence in use or operation of vessel attributable to owner)section forty-eight of the navigation law, shall be issued or delivered in this state to the owner thereof, or shall be issued or delivered by any authorized insurer upon any such vehicle or aircraft or vessel then principally garaged or principally used in this state, unless it contains a provision insuring the named insured against liability for death or injury sustained, or loss or damage occasioned within the coverage of the policy or contract, as a result of negligence in the operation or use of such vehicle, aircraft or vessel, as the case may be, by any person operating or using the same with the permission, express or implied, of the named insured.


(1) No policy insuring against loss resulting from liability imposed by law for bodily injury or death suffered by any natural person arising out of the ownership, maintenance and use of a motor vehicle or an altered motor vehicle commonly referred to as a “stretch limousine” having a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used in the business of carrying or transporting passengers for hire, by the insured shall be issued or delivered by any authorized insurer upon any motor vehicle or an altered motor vehicle commonly referred to as a “stretch limousine” having a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used in the business of carrying or transporting passengers for hire, then principally garaged or principally used in this state unless it contains a provision whereby the insurer agrees that it will pay to the insured, as defined in such provision, subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein to be prescribed by the board of directors of the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation and approved by the superintendent, all sums, not exceeding a maximum amount or limit of twenty-five thousand dollars exclusive of interest and costs, on account of injury to and all sums, not exceeding a maximum amount or limit of fifty thousand dollars exclusive of interest and costs, on account of death of one person, in any one accident, and the maximum amount or limit, subject to such limit for any one person so injured of fifty thousand dollars or so killed of one hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of interest and costs, on account of injury to, or death of, more than one person in any one accident, which the insured or his legal representative shall be entitled to recover as damages from an owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle, unidentified motor vehicle which leaves the scene of an accident, a motor vehicle registered in this state as to which at the time of the accident there was not in effect a policy of liability insurance, a stolen vehicle, a motor vehicle operated without permission of the owner, an insured motor vehicle where the insurer disclaims liability or denies coverage or an unregistered vehicle because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death resulting therefrom, sustained by the insured, caused by accident occurring in this state and arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of such motor vehicle. No payment for non-economic loss shall be made under such policy provision to a covered person unless such person has incurred a serious injury, as such terms are defined in § 5102 (Definitions)section five thousand one hundred two of this chapter. Such policy shall not duplicate any element of basic economic loss provided for under article 51 (Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance Reparations)article fifty-one of this chapter. No payments of first party benefits for basic economic loss made pursuant to such article shall diminish the obligations of the insurer under this policy provision for the payment of non-economic loss and economic loss in excess of basic economic loss. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of § 3425 (Certain property/casualty insurance policies)section three thousand four hundred twenty-five of this article, any such policy which does not contain the aforesaid provisions shall be construed as if such provisions were embodied therein.


(A) Any such policy shall, at the option of the insured, also provide supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance for bodily injury, in an amount up to the bodily injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided under such policy, subject to a maximum of two hundred fifty thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of one person in any one accident and, subject to such limit for one person, up to five hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident, or a combined single limit policy of five hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in any one accident; and any such policy insuring against loss resulting from liability imposed by law for bodily injury or death suffered by any natural person arising out of the ownership, maintenance, and use of an altered motor vehicle commonly referred to as a “stretch limousine” having a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used in the business of carrying or transporting passengers for hire, shall provide supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance for bodily injury, in an amount of a combined single limit of one million five hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury or death of one or more persons in any one accident. Provided however, an insurer issuing any such policy, except a policy insuring against loss resulting from liability imposed by law for bodily injury or death suffered by any natural person arising out of the ownership, maintenance, and use of an altered motor vehicle commonly referred to as a “stretch limousine” having a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used in the business of carrying or transporting passengers for hire, in lieu of offering to the insured the coverages stated above, may provide supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance for bodily injury, in an amount up to the bodily injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided under such policy, subject to a maximum of one hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of one person in any one accident and, subject to such limit for one person, up to three hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident, or a combined single limit policy of three hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in any one accident, if such insurer also makes available a personal umbrella policy with liability coverage limits up to at least five hundred thousand dollars which also provides coverage for supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists claims. Supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance shall provide coverage, in any state or Canadian province, if the limits of liability under all bodily injury liability bonds and insurance policies of another motor vehicle liable for damages are in a lesser amount than the bodily injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided by such policy. Upon written request by any insured covered by supplemental uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance or his duly authorized representative and upon disclosure by the insured of the insured’s bodily injury and supplemental uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance coverage limits, the insurer of any other owner or operator of another motor vehicle against which a claim has been made for damages to the insured shall disclose, within forty-five days of the request, the bodily injury liability insurance limits of its coverage provided under the policy or all bodily injury liability bonds. The time of the insured to make any supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist claim, shall be tolled during the period the insurer of any other owner or operator of another motor vehicle that may be liable for damages to the insured, fails to so disclose its coverage. As a condition precedent to the obligation of the insurer to pay under the supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance coverage, the limits of liability of all bodily injury liability bonds or insurance policies applicable at the time of the accident shall be exhausted by payment of judgments or settlements. As used in this subsection, “motor vehicle” shall include fire vehicles, as defined in Vehicle & Traffic Law § 115-A (Fire vehicle)section one hundred fifteen-a of the vehicle and traffic law, and police vehicles, as defined in Vehicle & Traffic Law § 132-A (Police vehicle)section one hundred thirty-two-a of the vehicle and traffic law. (B) In addition to the notice provided, upon issuance of a policy of motor vehicle liability insurance pursuant to regulations promulgated by the superintendent, insurers shall notify insureds, in writing, of the availability of supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage. Such notification shall contain an explanation of supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage and the amounts in which it can be purchased. Subsequently, a notification of availability shall be provided at least once a year and may be simplified pursuant to regulations promulgated by the superintendent, but must include a concise statement that supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage is available, an explanation of such coverage, and the coverage limits that can be purchased from the insurer. * (2-a) (A) Notwithstanding paragraph two of this subsection, this paragraph shall apply to any new insurance policy or contract subject to this subsection entered into after the effective date of this paragraph. This paragraph shall not be deemed to apply to any policies originally entered into prior to the effective date of this paragraph, but renewed after the effective date of this paragraph, or to any policy of commercial risk insurance. Any new insurance policy or contract entered into after the effective date of this paragraph shall, at the option of the first named insured, also provide supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance for bodily injury, in an amount equal to the bodily injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided under such motor vehicle liability insurance policy; provided, however, that a first named insured may exercise the choice to decline such supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance or select a lower amount of coverage through a written waiver signed, or electronically signed, by such insured, subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph. Supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance shall provide coverage, in any state or Canadian province, if the limits of liability under all bodily injury liability bonds and insurance policies of any other motor vehicle liable for damages are in a lesser amount than the bodily injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided by such policy. Upon written request by any insured covered by supplemental uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance or a duly authorized representative and upon disclosure by the insured of the insured’s bodily injury and supplemental uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance coverage limits, the insurer of any other owner or operator of another motor vehicle against which a claim has been made for damages to the insured shall disclose, within forty-five days of the request, the bodily injury liability insurance limits of its coverage provided under the policy or all bodily injury liability bonds. The time of the insured to make any supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist claim, shall be tolled during the period the insurer of any other owner or operator of another motor vehicle that may be liable for damages to the insured, fails to so disclose its coverage. As a condition precedent to the obligation of the insurer to pay under the supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance coverage, the limits of liability of all bodily injury liability bonds or insurance policies applicable at the time of the accident shall be exhausted by payment of judgments or settlements. (B) In addition to the notice provided, upon issuance of a policy of motor vehicle liability insurance pursuant to regulations promulgated by the superintendent, insurers shall notify insureds, in writing, of the availability of supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage. Such notification shall contain an explanation of supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage and the amounts in which it can be purchased. Subsequently, a notification of availability shall be provided at least once a year and may be simplified pursuant to regulations promulgated by the superintendent, but must include a concise statement that supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage is available, an explanation of such coverage, and the coverage limits that can be purchased from the insurer. If an insured elects to reject supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage or select a lower amount of supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage than the bodily injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided under the insured’s motor vehicle liability insurance policy, the selection of lower supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage or rejection of such coverage must be made on a written or electronic form provided to the first named insured. Such form shall also advise that such coverage is equal to the insured’s bodily injury liability limits under the motor vehicle liability insurance policy unless lower limits are requested or the coverage is rejected.


The form shall also advise that supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage (sum coverage) provides insurance protection for any person included as insured under your policy if he or she is injured in an accident involving another motor vehicle whose owner or operator was negligent but who has either no bodily injury or liability insurance, or less than the insurance you carry. Sum coverage shall be equal to the level of the bodily injury liability coverage of your motor vehicle liability insurance policy unless you sign a waiver requesting lower coverage or declining the coverage. You are urged to carefully consider this decision.


An insured’s written waiver shall apply to all subsequent renewals of coverage and to all policies or endorsements which extend, change, supersede, or replace an existing policy issued to the named insured, unless changed in writing by any named insured.


The selection of lower supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage or the rejection of such coverage by any first named insured shall be binding upon all insureds under such policy. (C) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, at the insurer’s option, the insured’s supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage limit may be required to equal the insured’s bodily injury liability insurance limit under the motor vehicle liability insurance policy. (D) An insurer may provide the coverage described in this paragraph available in an umbrella or excess liability policy if the umbrella or excess liability policy expressly provides such coverage. * NB Repealed June 30, 2026 (3) The protection provided by this subsection shall not apply to any cause of action by an insured person arising out of a motor vehicle accident occurring in this state against a person whose identity is unascertainable, unless the bodily injury to the insured person arose out of physical contact of the motor vehicle causing the injury with the insured person or with a motor vehicle which the insured person was occupying (meaning in or upon or entering into or alighting from) at the time of the accident.


An insurer shall give notice to the commissioner of motor vehicles of the entry of any judgment upon which a claim is made against such insurer under this subsection and of the payment or settlement of any claim by the insurer.


This paragraph shall apply to a policy that provides supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance coverage for bodily injury and is a policy: (A) issued or delivered in this state that insures against liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, and use of a fire vehicle, as defined in Vehicle & Traffic Law § 115-A (Fire vehicle)section one hundred fifteen-a of the vehicle and traffic law, where the fire vehicle is principally garaged or used in this state, or a police vehicle, as defined in Vehicle & Traffic Law § 132-A (Police vehicle)section one hundred thirty-two-a of the vehicle and traffic law, where the police vehicle is principally garaged or used in this state; or (B) as specified in paragraph one of this subsection. Every such policy that insures a fire department, fire company, as defined in General Municipal Law § 100 (Definitions)section one hundred of the general municipal law, an ambulance service, a voluntary ambulance service, as defined in Public Health Law § 3001 (Definitions)section three thousand one of the public health law, or a police agency, as defined in Executive Law § 835 (Definitions)section eight hundred thirty-five of the executive law, shall provide such supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance coverage to an individual employed by or who is a member of the fire department, fire company, ambulance service, voluntary ambulance service, or police agency and who is injured by an uninsured or underinsured motor vehicle while acting in the scope of the individual’s duties for the fire department, fire company, ambulance service, voluntary ambulance service, or police agency covered under the policy, except with respect to the use or operation by such an individual of a motor vehicle not covered under the policy. * (g) (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph two of this subsection, no policy or contract shall be deemed to insure against any liability of an insured because of death of or injuries to his or her spouse or because of injury to, or destruction of property of his or her spouse unless express provision relating specifically thereto is included in the policy. This exclusion shall apply only where the injured spouse, to be entitled to recover, must prove the culpable conduct of the insured spouse.


(A) Every insurer issuing or delivering any policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law shall provide coverage in such policy against liability of an insured because of death of or injuries to his or her spouse up to the liability insurance limits provided under such policy even where the injured spouse, to be entitled to recover, must prove the culpable conduct of the insured spouse, unless the insured elects, in writing and in such form as the superintendent determines, to decline and refuse such coverage in his or her policy. Such insurance coverage shall be known as “supplemental spousal liability insurance”. (B) Upon issuance, renewal or amendment of a motor vehicle liability policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law, the insurer shall notify the insured, in writing, that such policy shall include supplemental spousal liability insurance unless the insured declines and refuses such insurance, in writing and in such form as shall be determined by the superintendent. Such notification shall be contained on the front of the premium notice in boldface type and include a concise statement that supplementary spousal coverage is provided unless declined by the insured, an explanation of such coverage, and the insurer’s premium for such coverage. * NB Effective until March 26, 2025 * (g) (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph two of this subsection, no policy or contract shall be deemed to insure against any liability of an insured because of death of or injuries to the insured’s spouse or because of injury to, or destruction of property of the insured’s spouse unless express provision relating specifically thereto is included in the policy. This exclusion shall apply only where the injured spouse, to be entitled to recover, must prove the culpable conduct of the insured spouse.


(A) (i) Upon issuance of a motor vehicle liability policy and payment of a reasonable premium established in accordance with article 23 (Property/casualty Insurance Rates)article twenty-three of this chapter, an insurer issuing or delivering any policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law and is subject to § 3425 (Certain property/casualty insurance policies)section three thousand four hundred twenty-five of this article shall provide coverage in such a policy issued to a first named insured who has indicated that such insured has a spouse on the insurance application, against liability of an insured because of death of or injuries to the insured’s spouse up to the liability insurance limits provided under such policy even where the injured spouse, to be entitled to recover, must prove the culpable conduct of the insured spouse, unless a first named insured elects, in writing and in such form as the superintendent determines, to decline and refuse such coverage in the first named insured’s policy. Such insurance coverage shall be known as “supplemental spousal liability insurance”.


Upon written request of an insured, and upon payment of a reasonable premium established in accordance with article 23 (Property/casualty Insurance Rates)article twenty-three of this chapter, an insurer issuing or delivering any policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law, other than as specified in item (i) of this subparagraph, shall provide coverage in such a policy against liability of an insured because of death of or injuries to the insured’s spouse up to the liability insurance limits provided under such policy even where the injured spouse, to be entitled to recover, must prove the culpable conduct of the insured spouse. (B) (i) Upon issuance of a motor vehicle liability policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law and is subject to § 3425 (Certain property/casualty insurance policies)section three thousand four hundred twenty-five of this article, the insurer shall notify a first named insured who has indicated that such insured has a spouse on the insurance application, in writing, that such policy shall include supplemental spousal liability insurance unless a first named insured declines and refuses such insurance, in writing and in such form as shall be determined by the superintendent. Such notification shall be contained on the front of the premium notice in boldface type and include a concise statement that supplemental spousal liability coverage is provided unless declined by a first named insured, an explanation of such coverage, and the insurer’s premium for such coverage.


Upon renewal or amendment of a motor vehicle liability policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law and has supplemental spousal liability coverage under the policy, the insurer shall provide a notification to a first named insured that includes a concise statement that such policy includes supplemental spousal liability coverage unless declined by a first named insured in writing and in such form as shall be determined by the superintendent, an explanation of such coverage, and the insurer’s premium for such coverage. Such notification shall be contained on the front of the premium notice in boldface type.


A written declination shall apply to subsequent policy renewals unless a first named insured requests supplemental spousal liability insurance. (C) A notification of the availability of supplemental spousal liability insurance shall be provided upon policy issuance, other than for the policies to which the notification requirement in item (i) of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph applies, and at least once a year for all motor vehicle liability policies that satisfy the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law, where the policy does not already provide supplemental spousal liability insurance. Such notice shall be contained on the front of the premium notice in boldface type and include a concise statement that supplemental spousal liability coverage is available, an explanation of such coverage, and the insurer’s premium for such coverage. * NB Effective March 26, 2025 until July 31, 2027 * (g) No policy or contract shall be deemed to insure against any liability of an insured because of death of or injuries to his or her spouse or because of injury to, or destruction of property of his or her spouse unless express provision relating specifically thereto is included in the policy as provided in paragraphs one and two of this subsection. This exclusion shall apply only where the injured spouse, to be entitled to recover, must prove the culpable conduct of the insured spouse.


Upon written request of an insured, and upon payment of a reasonable premium established in accordance with article 23 (Property/casualty Insurance Rates)article twenty-three of this chapter, an insurer issuing or delivering any policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law shall provide coverage against liability of an insured because of death of or injuries to his or her spouse up to the liability insurance limits provided under such policy even where the injured spouse, to be entitled to recover, must prove the culpable conduct of the insured spouse. Such insurance coverage shall be known as “supplemental spousal liability insurance”.


Upon issuance of a motor vehicle liability policy that satisfies the requirements of article six of the vehicle and traffic law and that becomes effective on or after January first, two thousand three, pursuant to regulations promulgated by the superintendent, the insurer shall notify the insured, in writing, of the availability of supplemental spousal liability insurance. Such notification shall be contained on the front of the premium notice in boldface type and include a concise statement that supplementary spousal coverage is available, an explanation of such coverage, and the insurer’s premium for such coverage. Subsequently, a notification of the availability of supplementary spousal liability coverage shall be provided at least once a year in motor vehicle liability policies issued pursuant to article six of the vehicle and traffic law, including those originally issued prior to January first, two thousand three. Such notice must include a concise statement that supplementary spousal coverage is available, an explanation of such coverage, and the insurer’s premium for such coverage. * NB Effective July 31, 2027 (h) In this section, the term “insurance upon any property or risk located in this state” includes insurance against legal liability arising out of the ownership, operation or maintenance of any vehicle which is principally garaged or principally used in this state, or arising out of the ownership, operation, use or maintenance of any property which is principally kept or principally used in this state, or arising out of any other activity which is principally carried on in this state.


Except as provided in subsection (j) of this section, the provisions of this section shall not apply to any policy or contract of insurance in so far as it covers the liability of an employer for workers’ compensation, if such contract is governed by the provisions of section fifty-four of the workers’ compensation law, or by any similar law of another state, province or country, nor to the kinds of insurances set forth in paragraph three of subsection (b) of § 2117 (Acting for or aiding unlicensed or unauthorized insurers or health maintenance organizations)section two thousand one hundred seventeen of this chapter.


(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or any other law to the contrary, every policy providing comprehensive personal liability insurance on a one, two, three or four family owner-occupied dwelling, issued or delivered in this state on and after the first of March, nineteen eighty-four, shall provide for coverage against liability for the payment of any obligation, which the policyholder may incur pursuant to the provisions of the workers’ compensation law, to an employee arising out of and in the course of employment of less than forty hours per week, in and about such residences of the policyholder in this state. Such coverage shall provide for the benefits in the standard workers’ compensation policy issued in this state. No one who purchases a policy providing comprehensive personal liability insurance shall be deemed to have elected to cover under the workers’ compensation law any employee who is not required, under the provisions of such law, to be covered.


The term “policyholder” as used in this subsection shall be limited to an individual or individuals as defined by the terms of the policy, but shall not include corporate or other business entities or an individual who has or individuals who have in effect a workers’ compensation policy which covers employees working in and about his or their residence.


Every insurer who is licensed by the superintendent to issue homeowners or other policies providing comprehensive personal liability insurance in this state shall also be deemed to be licensed to transact workers’ compensation insurance for the purpose of covering those persons specified in this subsection.

Source: Section 3420 — Liability insurance; standard provisions; right of injured person, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/ISC/3420 (updated Oct. 4, 2024; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Insurable interest in property
Executory contract not a change in interest, title or possession
Anti-arson application
Fire insurance contracts
Fire insurance contract
Copy of examination of insured to be delivered to insured
Property insurance
Property/casualty insurance contract and policy standard provisions
Fire insurance
Distribution of hazardous material report forms
Fire insurance contract
Automobile physical damage insurance covering private passenger automobiles
Automobile physical damage insurance covering private passenger automobiles
Standard claim forms for fire losses
Reports by insurers of certain casualty loss on property owned or operated by religious organizations
Supplemental claim form to be submitted for certain fire loss claims in excess of ten thousand dollars in a city with a population of one...
Parametric insurance
Liability insurance
Homeowners’ liability insurance
Hate crimes
Certain property/casualty insurance policies
Commercial lines insurance
Gap insurance
Cancellation of insurance contracts
Geographical location of risks
Geographical location of risks in area serviced by a volunteer fire department
Right of insured, agent or broker aggrieved on basis of geographical location of property or risks
Termination of contracts or accounts of licensed agents or brokers
Motor vehicle insurance policies
Group property/casualty insurance
Motor vehicle insurance policies
Medical malpractice insurance
Group credit unemployment insurance and individual credit unemployment insurance
Adverse action against legal reproductive health care or gender-affirming care
Reinsurance contracts excepted
Insurance covering private passenger motor vehicles
Credit card, debit card, or checking account group policies
Workers’ compensation and employers’ liability insurance
Flood insurance notice
Windstorm insurance notice
Product or system group insurance policies
Qualification of environmental remediation insurance for tax credit
Involuntary unemployment insurance policies
Wireless communications equipment insurance policies
Insurance for expenses incurred as a result of an act or threatened act of violence
Identity theft group insurance policies
Group property travel insurance policies
Group policy for service providers listed in a commercial directory
Self-service storage company group insurance policies
Employer sponsored group personal excess insurance
Sponsored group personal insurance
Transportation network company group insurance policies
Prohibition against cancellation of policy when motor vehicle is used or operated through a transportation network company program
Group insurance policies for certain for hire motor vehicles
Electronic notices and documents
Group insurance for peer-to-peer car sharing programs
Car share exclusions for motor vehicle insurance policies
Prohibition against cancellation of policy when motor vehicle is used or operated through a peer-to-peer car sharing program
Notice of claim
Affordable housing underwriting and rating

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
Oct. 4, 2024

§ 3420’s source at nysenate​.gov

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