Real Property Law Section 233-B*2
Whenever used in this section:1.
“Campground” means any parcel or tract of land, including buildings or other structures, where five or more campsites are made available for use as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel or seasonal use. For purposes of this section, campgrounds shall not include land owned by the state of New York.2.
“Campground owner” means the owner or operator of a campground or an agent of such owner or operator.3.
“Guest” means a person who occupies a campsite pursuant to an agreement with a term of more than one week.b.
1. A campground owner may request any law enforcement officer remove any guest who willfully denies other guests their right to quiet enjoyment of the campground, including, but not limited, to any guest who:(a)
disturbs, threatens or endangers other guests;(b)
is less than twenty-one years of age and possesses alcohol;(c)
possesses illegal drugs;(d)
violates any state or local law; or(e)
violates any other lawful rule or regulation of the campground that enhances the safety and quiet enjoyment of its guests and is posted in a conspicuous place or made a part of the guest’s occupancy agreement.2.
the right to request a guest to be removed by any law enforcement officer can only be exercised after the campground owner or its agent has provided the guest with written warning that his or her conduct shall result in a removal from the campground if it is repeated. In the event that such conduct is repeated and the guest fails to vacate the campground upon being requested to do so, the campground owner may only cause the guest to be removed by a law enforcement officer, who may cite the guest with trespass.c.
A person who is removed from a campground pursuant to subdivision b of this section shall be entitled to a refund of the unused portion of any prepaid fees, less any amount otherwise owed to the campground owner or deducted for damages, which unused portion of prepaid fees may be prorated at a rate that is based upon the daily rate charged by the campground owner.d.
A campground owner may remove property belonging to a person who is removed from a campground pursuant to subdivision b of this section from a campsite and such property, whether removed from a campsite or allowed to remain on a campsite, shall be deemed to be placed in storage. A campground owner shall provide the owner of such property thirty days written notice, by certified mail, return receipt requested, to remove such property and dispose of such property pursuant to article nine of the lien law in the event the owner fails to remove such property within the thirty-day period of time. * NB There are 2 § 233-b’s
Section 233-B*2 — Campgrounds, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/RPP/233-B*2
(updated Apr. 24, 2020; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).