Public Authorities Law Section 1204-E
New York city transit authority advisory council
There is hereby created the New York city transit authority advisory council, to study, investigate, monitor and make recommendations with respect to the maintenance and operation of the New York city transit authority, its subsidiaries and the Staten Island rapid transit operating authority. Such council shall study and investigate all aspects of the day to day operations of such authority, its subsidiaries and the Staten Island rapid transit operating authority, monitor their performance and recommend changes to improve the efficiency of the operation thereof. Such council shall study and make recommendations in regard to improving bicycle and pedestrian access on trains and buses, and at bridges, stations and other facilities operated by the authority, its affiliates and subsidiaries and the Staten Island rapid transit operating authority and submit such recommendations to the metropolitan transportation authority on or before June first, two thousand twenty-two and every five years thereafter.2.
Such council shall consist of sixteen members who shall be commuters who regularly use the transportation services of such authorities. Six of such members shall be appointed by the governor upon the recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York; five upon the recommendation of the president of the city council of the city of New York; and five other members appointed upon the recommendation one by each of the borough presidents of the boroughs of the city of New York. Provided, however, that one member recommended by the mayor of New York shall have a demonstrated expertise or interest in the promotion and development of improved bicycle and pedestrian access at bridges, stations and other facilities operated by the metropolitan transportation authority, as created by § 1263 (Metropolitan transportation authority)section twelve hundred sixty-three of this article, and such authority’s affiliates and subsidiaries. The chairman shall be a member selected by the membership of the committee. Each of the members shall serve for a term of two years, provided, however, that of the first appointments, two appointed upon the recommendation of the mayor and two appointed upon the recommendation of the president of the city council shall serve for a term of one year. Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments for the balance of the unexpired term.3.
The members of the council shall receive no compensation for their services but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.4.
The council may request and shall receive from any department, division, board, bureau, commission, agency, public authority of the state or any political subdivision thereof such assistance and data as will enable it properly to carry out its activities hereunder and effectuate the purposes set forth herein.
Section 1204-E — New York city transit authority advisory council, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PBA/1204-E
(updated Mar. 4, 2022; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).