Public Authorities Law Section 1263
Metropolitan transportation authority
* (a) (1) There is hereby created the “metropolitan transportation authority.” The authority shall be a body corporate and politic constituting a public benefit corporation. The authority shall consist of a chairperson, sixteen other voting members, and two non-voting and four alternate non-voting members, as described in subparagraph two of this paragraph appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate. Any member appointed to a term commencing on or after June thirtieth, two thousand nine shall have experience in one or more of the following areas: transportation, public administration, business management, finance, accounting, law, engineering, land use, urban and regional planning, management of large capital projects, labor relations, or have experience in some other area of activity central to the mission of the authority. Four of the sixteen voting members other than the chairperson shall be appointed on the written recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York; and each of seven other voting members other than the chairperson shall be appointed after selection from a written list of three recommendations from the chief executive officer of the county in which the particular member is required to reside pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision. Of the members appointed on recommendation of the chief executive officer of a county, one such member shall be, at the time of appointment, a resident of the county of Nassau, one a resident of the county of Suffolk, one a resident of the county of Westchester, one a resident of the county of Dutchess, one a resident of the county of Orange, one a resident of the county of Putnam and one a resident of the county of Rockland, provided that the term of any member who is a resident of a county that has withdrawn from the metropolitan commuter transportation district pursuant to § 1279-B (Transition--election to withdraw from the metropolitan commuter transportation district)section twelve hundred seventy-nine-b of this title shall terminate upon the effective date of such county’s withdrawal from such district. Of the five voting members, other than the chairperson, appointed by the governor without recommendation from any other person, three shall be, at the time of appointment, residents of the city of New York and two shall be, at the time of appointment, residents of such city or of any of the aforementioned counties in the metropolitan commuter transportation district. Provided however, notwithstanding the foregoing residency requirement, one of the five voting members appointed by the governor without recommendation from any other person, other than the chairperson, may be the director of the New York state division of the budget, and provided further that, in the event of such appointment, the budget director’s membership in the authority shall be deemed ex-officio. Provided further, one of the twelve voting members, other than the chairperson, appointed by the governor without recommendation by any other person, or on the recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York, or of the chief executive officer of the counties of Westchester, Nassau, or Suffolk shall be a transit dependent individual. A “transit dependent individual” shall mean an individual who is limited to public transit as their primary mode of transportation because the individual has a permanent disability, provided that any local or statewide transit advocacy organization may recommend one or more transit dependent individuals to be considered for appointment pursuant to this section. The chairperson and each of the members shall be appointed for a term of six years, provided however, that the chairperson first appointed shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-one, provided that thirty days after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand nine which amended this subparagraph, the term of the chairperson shall expire; provided, further, that such chairperson may continue to discharge the duties of his or her office until the position of chairperson is filled by appointment by the governor upon the advice and consent of the senate and the term of such new chairperson shall terminate June thirtieth, two thousand fifteen. The sixteen other members first appointed shall serve for the following terms: The members from the counties of Nassau and Westchester shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-five; the members from the county of Suffolk and from the counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Rockland shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ninety-two; two of the members appointed on recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-four and, two shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-one; two of the members appointed by the governor without the recommendation of any other person shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-two, two shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty and one shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-five. The two non-voting and four alternate non-voting members shall serve until January first, two thousand one. The members from the counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Rockland shall cast one collective vote.(2)
There shall be two non-voting members and four alternate non-voting members of the authority, as referred to in subparagraph one of this paragraph. The first non-voting member shall be a regular mass transit user of the facilities of the authority and be recommended to the governor by the New York city transit authority advisory council. The first alternate non-voting member shall be a regular mass transit user of the facilities of the authority and be recommended to the governor by the Metro-North commuter council. The second alternate non-voting member shall be a regular mass transit user of the facilities of the authority and be recommended to the governor by the Long Island Rail Road commuter’s council. The second non-voting member shall be recommended to the governor by the labor organization representing the majority of employees of the Long Island Rail Road. The third alternate non-voting member shall be recommended to the governor by the labor organization representing the majority of employees of the New York city transit authority. The fourth alternate non-voting member shall be recommended to the governor by the labor organization representing the majority of employees of the Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the alternate non-voting member recommended by the labor organization representing the majority of employees of the Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company may be a resident of any state in which the Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company operates. The chairman of the authority, at his direction, may exclude such non-voting member or alternate non-voting member from attending any portion of a meeting of the authority or of any committee established pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision four of this section held for the purpose of discussing negotiations with labor organizations. The non-voting member and the two alternate non-voting members representing the New York York city transit authority advisory council, the Metro-North commuter council, and the Long Island Rail Road commuter’s council shall serve eighteen month rotating terms, after which time an alternate non-voting member shall become the non-voting member and the rotation shall continue until each alternate member has served at least one eighteen month term as a non-voting member. The other non-voting member and alternate non-voting members representing the New York city transit authority, Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company, and the Long Island Rail Road labor organizations shall serve eighteen month rotating terms, after which time an alternate non-voting member shall become the non-voting member and the rotation shall continue until each alternate member has served at least one eighteen month term as a non-voting member. The transit authority and the commuter railroads shall not be represented concurrently by the two non-voting members during any such eighteen month period. * NB Effective until June 30, 2028 * (a) There is hereby created the “metropolitan transportation authority.” The authority shall be a body corporate and politic constituting a public benefit corporation. The authority shall consist of a chairman and sixteen other members appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate. Any member appointed to a term commencing on or after June thirtieth, two thousand nine shall have experience in one or more of the following areas of expertise: transportation, public administration, business management, finance, accounting, law, engineering, land use, urban and regional planning, management of large capital projects, labor relations, or have experience in some other area of activity central to the mission of the authority. Four of the sixteen members other than the chairman shall be appointed on the written recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York; and each of seven other members other than the chairman shall be appointed after selection from a written list of three recommendations from the chief executive officer of the county in which the particular member is required to reside pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision. Of the members appointed on recommendation of the chief executive officer of a county, one such member shall be, at the time of appointment, a resident of the county of Nassau; one a resident of the county of Suffolk; one a resident of the county of Westchester; and one a resident of the county of Dutchess, one a resident of the county of Orange, one a resident of the county of Putnam and one a resident of the county of Rockland, provided that the term of any member who is a resident of a county that has withdrawn from the metropolitan commuter transportation district pursuant to § 1279-B (Transition--election to withdraw from the metropolitan commuter transportation district)section twelve hundred seventy-nine-b of this title shall terminate upon the effective date of such county’s withdrawal from such district. Of the five members, other than the chairman, appointed by the governor without recommendation from any other person, three shall be, at the time of appointment, residents of the city of New York and two shall be, at the time of appointment, residents of such city or of any of the aforementioned counties in the metropolitan commuter transportation district. Provided however, notwithstanding the foregoing residency requirement, one of the five voting members appointed by the governor without recommendation from any other person, other than the chairman, may be the director of the New York state division of the budget, and provided further that, in the event of such appointment, the budget director’s membership in the authority shall be deemed ex-officio. The chairman and each of the members shall be appointed for a term of six years, provided however, that the chairman first appointed shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-one, provided that thirty days after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand nine which amended this paragraph, the term of the chairman shall expire; provided, further, that such chairman may continue to discharge the duties of his office until the position of chairman is filled by appointment by the governor upon the advice and consent of the senate and the term of such new chairman shall terminate June thirtieth, two thousand fifteen. The sixteen other members first appointed shall serve for the following terms: The members from the counties of Nassau and Westchester shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-five; the members from the county of Suffolk and from the counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Rockland shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ninety-two; two of the members appointed on recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-four and, two shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-one; two of the members appointed by the governor without the recommendation of any other person shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-two, two shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty and one shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-five. The members from the counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Rockland shall cast one collective vote. * NB Effective June 30, 2028 (a-1) The mayor of the city of New York shall, no later than April first, nineteen hundred ninety-one, develop and submit to the governor, the temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly, a plan detailing how the four appointments to the metropolitan transportation authority board made by the governor upon the written recommendation of the mayor can be utilized to ensure that each county within the city of New York is represented on such board.(b)
Vacancies occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments for the balance of the unexpired term, provided, however, that in the event of a vacancy caused by the death, resignation, removal, or disability of the chairman, the vacancy shall be filled by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate for the unexpired term. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the governor shall designate an acting chairman for a period not to exceed six months or until a successor chairman has been confirmed by the senate, whichever comes first. Upon the expiration of the six-month term, if the governor has nominated a successor chairman, but the senate has not acted upon the nomination, the acting chair can continue to serve as acting chair for an additional ninety days or until the governor’s successor chair nomination is confirmed by the senate, whichever comes first. (b-1) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this section, in the event that, upon a vacancy to be filled by the governor without recommendation, other than the chairperson, there is no transit dependent member serving, the governor shall appoint a transit dependent individual to fill the vacancy, consistent with paragraph (a) of this subdivision. Provided further that in the event that there is no transit dependent member serving and there is no vacancy to be filled by the governor without recommendation other than the chairperson, then upon a vacancy in a seat filled by the governor upon the recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York, the mayor of the city of New York shall recommend a transit dependent individual to fill the vacancy, consistent with paragraph (a) of this subdivision.(c)
(i) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this section, the term of any member shall expire upon the expiration of the term in office being served by the county elected official upon whose recommendation they were appointed; provided, however, that in such circumstance such member may serve as a holdover appointee for sixty days, or until such time as a new member is appointed, whichever is less. The term of any member appointed to replace such a holdover appointee shall expire at the end of the term in office of the county elected official upon whose recommendation such member was appointed. If a county elected official leaves office because of death, resignation, removal or disability, however, a member appointed upon such official’s recommendation shall continue to serve until such time as such county elected office is filled, at which time such member will become a holdover appointee and may serve for sixty days, or until such time as a new member is appointed, whichever is less.(ii)
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this section, the term of any chairman or any member shall expire upon the expiration of the term in office being served by the city or state elected official upon whose recommendation they were appointed; provided, however, that in such circumstance the chairman or such member may serve as a holdover appointee until such time as a new chairman or member is appointed. The term of any chairman or member appointed to replace such a holdover appointee shall expire at the end of the term in office of the city or state elected official upon whose recommendation such chairman or member was appointed.2.
The chairman and the first vice chairman shall be paid a salary in the amount determined by the authority; the other members shall not receive a salary or other compensation. Each member, including the chairman and the first vice chairman, shall be entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his or her official duties.3.
(a) A majority of the whole number of members of the authority then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any power of the authority. Except as otherwise specified in this title, for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any power of the authority, the authority shall have power to act by a majority vote of the members present at any meeting at which a quorum is in attendance and except further, that in the event of a tie vote the chairman shall cast one additional vote.(b)
For purposes of determining the presence of a quorum, and for purposes of participation on any committee or subcommittee, those members who collectively cast a single vote pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subdivision one of this section shall be considered to be a single member, and the presence of such member shall be determined as provided in this subdivision. Except as otherwise provided in a by-law adopted as hereinafter provided, such single member constituting those members entitled to a collective vote shall be deemed present as a single member for purposes of a quorum if one or more of the members then in office entitled to cast such collective vote is present, and such collective vote shall be cast in accordance with the majority agreement of the members entitled to a collective vote who are present or in the event a single member entitled to a collective vote is present it shall be cast by that member. To evidence the existence of such majority agreement among the members entitled to a collective vote, each such member shall be polled as to his vote and such poll shall be recorded in the minutes. In the event a majority vote is not achieved by the members entitled to a collective vote who are present, then the vote shall not be cast. Nothing herein shall limit the right of an individual member to participate in board meetings or in other activities of the authority when the other members then in office entitled to collectively cast a vote are not present. At any meeting of the authority at which there is a quorum including all the members then in office entitled to cast a collective vote, the authority may adopt a by-law or by-laws regulating the casting of such collective vote, provided all members then in office entitled to cast a collective vote affirmatively approve such by-law or by-laws. Any action taken by the authority in accordance with any such by-law or by-laws adopted pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph shall take effect in the same manner as any other action of the authority. Any such by-law or by-laws shall not provide for the casting of any fractional vote. Nor shall such a by-law or by-laws provide for the amendment, repeal or adoption in the future of such a by-law or by-laws in a manner other than that set forth in this paragraph.(c)
No provision of paragraph (b) of this subdivision relating to the adoption of certain by-laws by the authority shall affect the manner in which by-laws of the authority are adopted concerning any subject other than the voting and presence for quorum purposes of the members from the counties of Dutchess, Putnam, Orange and Rockland.(d)
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of subdivision one of this section, any member appointed from the county of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam or Rockland prior to the increase in the number of members of the authority to include a member from each such county shall continue in office as the member from such counties pursuant to Public Officers Law § 5 (Holding over after expiration of term)section five of the public officers law until the appointment and confirmation of all of the new members from such counties pursuant to the provisions of this section, and no individual member exercising a collective vote appointed and confirmed pursuant to paragraph (a) of subdivision one of this section shall take office until all such new members are appointed and confirmed.4.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the authority and shall be responsible for the discharge of the executive and administrative functions and powers of the authority. The chairman may appoint an executive director and such other officials and employees as shall in his or her judgment be needed to discharge the executive and administrative functions and powers of the authority. * (b) The chairman shall establish committees to assist him in the performance of his duties and shall appoint members of the authority to such committees. Among such committees, there shall be a committee on operations of the New York city transit authority, the Manhattan and Bronx surface transit operating authority and the Staten Island rapid transit operating authority; a committee on operations of the Long Island Rail Road and the metropolitan suburban bus authority; a committee on operations of the Metro-North commuter railroad; a committee on operations of the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority; a committee on finance; a committee on capital program oversight; and a committee on safety. In addition to such appointed members, each of the non-voting members referred to in subparagraph two of paragraph (a) of subdivision one of this section shall serve on the committee on capital program oversight, the committee on finance, the committee on safety, the committee on operations of the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority, and the operations committee relevant to the commuter council that recommended such member. The alternate non-voting members shall each serve on the respective operations committee relevant to the commuter council that recommended each member. The committee on capital program oversight and the committee on safety shall include not less than three members, and shall include the chairpersons of the committee on operations of the New York city transit authority, the Manhattan and Bronx surface transit operating authority and the Staten Island rapid transit operating authority, the committee on operations of the Long Island Rail Road and the metropolitan suburban bus authority, and the committee on operations of the Metro-North commuter railroad. The committee on safety shall convene at least once annually and each committee chairperson, that is a member of the committee on safety, shall report to the committee on safety any and all initiatives, concerns, improvements, or failures involving the safety of:(1)
employees; and(3)
the public at large, in relation to authority facilities and services. The capital program committee shall, with respect to any approved or proposed capital program plans, (i) monitor the current and future availability of funds to be utilized for such plans approved or proposed to be submitted to the metropolitan transportation capital program review board as provided in § 1269-B (Capital program plans)section twelve hundred sixty-nine-b of this title;(ii)
monitor the contract awards of the metropolitan transportation authority and the New York city transit authority to insure that such awards are consistent with (A) provisions of law authorizing United States content and New York state content; (B) collective bargaining agreements; (C) provisions of law providing for participation by minority and women-owned businesses; (D) New York state labor laws; (E) competitive bidding requirements including those regarding sole source contracts; and (F) any other relevant requirements established by law; (iii) monitor the award of contracts to determine if such awards are consistent with the manner in which the work was traditionally performed in the past provided, however, that any such determination shall not be admissible as evidence in any arbitration or judicial proceeding;(iv)
review the relationship between capital expenditures pursuant to each such capital program plan and current and future operating budget requirements;(v)
monitor the progress of capital elements described in each capital program plan approved as provided in § 1269-B (Capital program plans)section twelve hundred sixty-nine-b of this title;(vi)
monitor the expenditures incurred and to be incurred for each such element; and (vii) identify capital elements not progressing on schedule, ascertain responsibility therefor and recommend those actions required or appropriate to accelerate their implementation. The capital program committee shall issue a quarterly report on its activities and findings, and shall in connection with the preparation of such quarterly report, consult with the state division of the budget, the state department of transportation, the members of the metropolitan transportation authority capital program review board and any other group the committee deems relevant, including public employee organizations, and, at least annually, with a nationally recognized independent transit engineering firm. Such report shall be made available to the members of the authority, to the members of the metropolitan transportation authority capital program review board, and the directors of the municipal assistance corporation for the city of New York. * NB Effective until June 30, 2028 * (b) The chairman shall establish committees to assist him in the performance of his duties and shall appoint members of the authority to such committees. Among such committees, there shall be a committee on operations of the New York city transit authority, the Manhattan and Bronx surface transit operating authority and the Staten Island rapid transit operating authority; a committee on operations of the Long Island Rail Road and the metropolitan suburban bus authority; a committee on operations of the Metro-North commuter railroad; a committee on operations of the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority; a committee on finance; a committee on capital program oversight; and a committee on safety. The committee on capital program oversight shall include not less than four members, and shall include the chairpersons of the committee on operations of the New York city transit authority, the Manhattan and Bronx surface transit operating authority and the Staten Island rapid transit operating authority, the committee on operations of the Long Island Rail Road and the metropolitan suburban bus authority, the committee on operations of the Metro-North commuter railroad, and the committee on safety. The committee on safety shall convene at least once annually and each committee chairperson, that is a member of the committee on safety, shall report to the committee on safety any and all initiatives, concerns, improvements, or failures involving the safety of:(1)
employees; and(3)
the public at large, in relation to authority facilities and services. The capital program committee shall, with respect to any approved or proposed capital program plans, (i) monitor the current and future availability of funds to be utilized for such plans approved or proposed to be submitted to the metropolitan transportation capital program review board as provided in § 1269-B (Capital program plans)section twelve hundred sixty-nine-b of this title;(ii)
monitor the contract awards of the metropolitan transportation authority and the New York city transit authority to insure that such awards are consistent with (A) provisions of law authorizing United States content and New York state content; (B) collective bargaining agreements; (C) provisions of law providing for participation by minority and women-owned businesses; (D) New York state labor laws; (E) competitive bidding requirements including those regarding sole source contracts; and (F) any other relevant requirements established by law; (iii) monitor the award of contracts to determine if such awards are consistent with the manner in which the work was traditionally performed in the past provided, however, that any such determination shall not be admissible as evidence in any arbitration or judicial proceeding;(iv)
review the relationship between capital expenditures pursuant to each such capital program plan and current and future operating budget requirements;(v)
monitor the progress of capital elements described in each capital program plan approved as provided in § 1269-B (Capital program plans)section twelve hundred sixty-nine-b of this title;(vi)
monitor the expenditures incurred and to be incurred for each such element; and (vii) identify capital elements not progressing on schedule, ascertain responsibility therefor and recommend those actions required or appropriate to accelerate their implementation. The capital program committee shall issue a quarterly report on its activities and findings, and shall in connection with the preparation of such quarterly report, consult with the state division of the budget, the state department of transportation, the members of the metropolitan transportation authority capital program review board and any other group the committee deems relevant, including public employee organizations, and, at least annually, with a nationally recognized independent transit engineering firm. Such report shall be made available to the members of the authority, to the members of the metropolitan transportation authority capital program review board, and the directors of the municipal assistance corporation for the city of New York. * NB Effective June 30, 2028 (c) The chairman shall ensure that at every meeting of the board and at every meeting of each committee the public shall be allotted a period of time, not less than thirty minutes, to speak on any topic on the agenda.(d)
Notwithstanding paragraph (c) of subdivision one of § 2824 (Role and responsibilities of board members)section twenty-eight hundred twenty-four of this chapter or any other provision of law to the contrary, the chairman shall not participate in establishing authority policies regarding the payment of salary, compensation and reimbursement to, nor establish rules for the time and attendance of, the chief executive officer. The salary of the chairman, as determined pursuant to subdivision two of this section, shall also be compensation for all services performed as chief executive officer.5.
The authority shall be a “state agency” for the purposes of sections seventy-three and seventy-four of the public officers law.6.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of this or any other law, general, special or local, no officer or employee of the state, or of any public corporation as defined in the general corporation law, shall be deemed to have forfeited or shall forfeit his office or employment or any benefits provided under the retirement and social security law or under any public retirement system maintained by the state or any of its subdivisions by reason of his acceptance of membership on or chairmanship of the authority; provided, however, a member or chairman who holds such other public office or employment shall receive no additional compensation for services rendered pursuant to this title, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for his actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of such services.7.
The governor may remove any member for inefficiency, neglect of duty, breach of fiduciary duty or misconduct in office after giving the member a copy of the charges against the member and an opportunity to be heard, in person or by counsel in the member’s defense, upon not less than ten days’ notice. If any member shall be so removed, the governor shall file in the office of the department of state a complete statement of charges made against such member, and his findings thereon, together with a complete record of the proceedings.8.
The authority shall continue so long as it shall have bonds or other obligations outstanding and until its existence shall be terminated by law. Upon the termination of the existence of the authority, all its rights and properties shall pass to and be vested in the state.9.
Whenever the authority causes notices of hearings on proposed changes in services or fares to be posted pursuant to this section or any statute, regulation, or authority policy, or where it voluntarily posts such notices, such notices shall:(a)
be written in a clear and coherent manner using words with common and every day meaning;(b)
be captioned in large point type bold lettering with a title that fairly and accurately conveys the basic nature of such change or changes;(c)
where such change involves a proposed change in levels of fare, include in its title the range of amounts of fare changes under consideration;(d)
contain, to the extent practicable, a concise description of the specific nature of the change or changes, including but not limited to a concise description of those changes that affect the largest number of passengers;(e)
where such change involves a change in the nature of a route, contain, to the extent practicable, a clear graphic illustration of such change or changes; and(f)
where such change involves a partial or complete station closing, such notice shall be posted at the affected station with a clear graphic illustration depicting the nature of any closing for such station.
Section 1263 — Metropolitan transportation authority, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PBA/1263
(updated Dec. 27, 2024; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).