N.Y. Lien Law Section 17
Duration of lien

No lien specified in this article shall be a lien for a longer period than one year after the notice of lien has been filed, unless within that time an action is commenced to foreclose the lien, and a notice of the pendency of such action, whether in a court of record or in a court not of record, is filed with the county clerk of the county in which the notice of lien is filed, containing the names of the parties to the action, the object of the action, a brief description of the real property affected thereby, and the time of filing the notice of lien; or unless an extension to such lien, except for a lien on real property improved or to be improved with a single family dwelling, is filed with the county clerk of the county in which the notice of lien is filed within one year from the filing of the original notice of lien, continuing such lien and such lien shall be redocketed as of the date of filing such extension. Such extension shall contain the names of the lienor and the owner of the real property against whose interest therein such lien is claimed, a brief description of the real property affected by such lien, the amount of such lien, and the date of filing the notice of lien. No lien shall be continued by such extension for more than one year from the filing thereof. In the event an action is not commenced to foreclose the lien within such extended period, such lien shall be extinguished unless an order be granted by a court of record or a judge or justice thereof, continuing such lien, and such lien shall be redocketed as of the date of granting such order and a statement made that such lien is continued by virtue of such order. A lien on real property improved or to be improved with a single family dwelling may only be extended by an order of a court of record, or a judge or justice thereof. No lien shall be continued by court order for more than one year from the granting thereof, but a new order and entry may be made in each of two successive years. If a lienor is made a party defendant in an action to enforce another lien, and the plaintiff or such defendant has filed a notice of the pendency of the action within the time prescribed in this section, the lien of such defendant is thereby continued. Such action shall be deemed an action to enforce the lien of such defendant lienor. The failure to file a notice of pendency of action shall not abate the action as to any person liable for the payment of the debt specified in the notice of lien, and the action may be prosecuted to judgment against such person. The provisions of this section in regard to continuing liens shall apply to liens discharged by deposit or by order on the filing of an undertaking. Where a lien is discharged by deposit or by order, a notice of pendency of action shall not be filed. A lien, the duration of which has been extended by the filing of a notice of the pendency of an action as above provided, shall nevertheless terminate as a lien after such notice has been canceled as provided in Civil Practice Law & Rules Law § 6514 (Motion for cancellation of notice of pendency)section sixty-five hundred fourteen of the civil practice law and rules or has ceased to be effective as constructive notice as provided in Civil Practice Law & Rules Law § 6513 (Duration of notice of pendency)section sixty-five hundred thirteen of the civil practice law and rules.

Source: Section 17 — Duration of lien, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/LIE/17 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Oct. 12, 2024).

Mechanic’s lien on real property
Extent of lien
Insurance proceeds liable for demands
Liens under contracts for public improvements
Liens for labor on railroads
Liability for advance payments, collusive mortgages and incumbrances
Terms of contract may be demanded
Contents of notice of lien
Filing of notice of lien
Service of copy of notice of lien
Notice of completion and acceptance may be demanded
Copy of notice of lien to a contractor or subcontractor
Copy of notice of lien to a contractor or subcontractor with respect to public improvements liens
Notice of lien on account of public improvements
Priority of liens
Assignment of lien
Assignments of contracts and orders to be filed
Assignment of contracts and orders for public improvement to be filed
Duration of lien
Duration of lien under contract for a public improvement
Discharge of lien for private improvement
Discharge of lien after notice of lien filed by payment of money into court
Discharge of lien for public improvement
Vacating lien for a public improvement, by order of court
Building loan contract
Construction of article
Enforcement of mechanic’s lien
Priority of liens and assignments under contracts for public improvements
Subordination of liens after agreement with owner
Lien of certain judgments postponed
Subordination of liens to subsequent mortgage
Subordination of notices of lis pendens
Discharge of liens on sale of real property
Certain liens and claims not to be affected
Certain sections not to apply to laborers’ liens
Waiver of lien
Waiver of arbitration
Bond to discharge all liens
Itemized statement may be required of lienor
Lien wilfully exaggerated is void
Liability of lienor where lien has been declared void on account of wilful exaggeration
Repossession of materials not used

Oct. 12, 2024

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 17’s source at nysenate​.gov

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