N.Y. General Municipal Law Section 875
Special provisions applicable to state sales and compensating use taxes and certain types of facilities


For purposes of this section: “state sales and use taxes” means sales and compensating use taxes and fees imposed by article twenty-eight or twenty-eight-A of the tax law but excluding such taxes imposed in a city by section eleven hundred seven or eleven hundred eight of such article twenty-eight. “IDA” means an industrial development agency established by this article or an industrial development authority created by the public authorities law. “Commissioner” means the commissioner of taxation and finance.


An IDA shall keep records of the amount of state and local sales and use tax exemption benefits provided to each project and each agent or project operator and shall make such records available to the commissioner upon request. Such IDA shall also, within thirty days of providing financial assistance to a project that includes any amount of state sales and use tax exemption benefits, report to the commissioner the amount of such benefits for such project, the project to which they are being provided, together with such other information and such specificity and detail as the commissioner may prescribe. This report may be made in conjunction with the statement required by subdivision nine of § 874 (Tax exemptions)section eight hundred seventy-four of this title or it may be made as a separate report, at the discretion of the commissioner. An IDA that fails to make such records available to the commissioner or to file such reports shall be prohibited from providing state sales and use tax exemption benefits for any project unless and until such IDA comes into compliance with all such requirements.


(a) An IDA shall include within its resolutions and project documents establishing any project or appointing an agent or project operator for any project the terms and conditions in this subdivision, and every agent, project operator or other person or entity that shall enjoy state sales and use tax exemption benefits provided by an IDA shall agree to such terms as a condition precedent to receiving or benefiting from such state sales and use exemptions benefits.


The IDA shall recover, recapture, receive, or otherwise obtain from an agent, project operator or other person or entity state sales and use exemptions benefits taken or purported to be taken by any such person to which the person is not entitled or which are in excess of the amounts authorized or which are for property or services not authorized or taken in cases where such agent or project operator, or other person or entity failed to comply with a material term or condition to use property or services in the manner required by the person’s agreement with the IDA. Such agent or project operator, or other person or entity shall cooperate with the IDA in its efforts to recover, recapture, receive, or otherwise obtain such state sales and use exemptions benefits and shall promptly pay over any such amounts to the IDA that it requests. The failure to pay over such amounts to the IDA shall be grounds for the commissioner to assess and determine state sales and use taxes due from the person under article twenty-eight of the tax law, together with any relevant penalties and interest due on such amounts.


If an IDA recovers, recaptures, receives, or otherwise obtains, any amount of state sales and use tax exemption benefits from an agent, project operator or other person or entity, the IDA shall, within thirty days of coming into possession of such amount, remit it to the commissioner, together with such information and report that the commissioner deems necessary to administer payment over of such amount. An IDA shall join the commissioner as a party in any action or proceeding that the IDA commences to recover, recapture, obtain, or otherwise seek the return of, state sales and use tax exemption benefits from an agent, project operator or other person or entity.


An IDA shall prepare an annual compliance report detailing its terms and conditions described in paragraph (a) of this subdivision and its activities and efforts to recover, recapture, receive, or otherwise obtain state sales and use exemptions benefits described in paragraph (b) of this subdivision, together with such other information as the commissioner and the commissioner of economic development may require. The report required by this subdivision shall be filed with the commissioner, the director of the division of the budget, the commissioner of economic development, the state comptroller, the governing body of the municipality for whose benefit the agency was created, and may be included with the annual financial statement required by paragraph (b) of subdivision one of § 859 (Financial records)section eight hundred fifty-nine of this title. Such report required by this subdivision shall be filed regardless of whether the IDA is required to file such financial statement described by such paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section eight hundred fifty-nine. The failure to file or substantially complete the report required by this subdivision shall be deemed to be the failure to file or substantially complete the statement required by such paragraph (b) of subdivision one of such section eight hundred fifty-nine, and the consequences shall be the same as provided in paragraph (e) of subdivision one of such section eight hundred fifty-nine.


This subdivision shall apply to any amounts of state sales and use tax exemption benefits that an IDA recovers, recaptures, receives, or otherwise obtains, regardless of whether the IDA or the agent, project operator or other person or entity characterizes such benefits recovered, recaptured, received, or otherwise obtained, as a penalty or liquidated or contract damages or otherwise. The provisions of this subdivision shall also apply to any interest or penalty that the IDA imposes on any such amounts or that are imposed on such amounts by operation of law or by judicial order or otherwise. Any such amounts or payments that an IDA recovers, recaptures, receives, or otherwise obtains, together with any interest or penalties thereon, shall be deemed to be state sales and use taxes and the IDA shall receive any such amounts or payments, whether as a result of court action or otherwise, as trustee for and on account of the state.


The commissioner shall deposit and dispose of any amount of any payments or moneys received from or paid over by an IDA or from or by any person or entity, or received pursuant to an action or proceeding commenced by an IDA, together with any interest or penalties thereon, pursuant to subdivision three of this section, as state sales and use taxes in accord with the provisions of article twenty-eight of the tax law. The amount of any such payments or moneys, together with any interest or penalties thereon, shall be attributed to the taxes imposed by sections eleven hundred five and eleven hundred ten, on the one hand, and Tax Law § 1109 (Sales and compensating use taxes for the metropolitan commuter transportation district)section eleven hundred nine of the tax law, on the other hand, or to any like taxes or fees imposed by such article, based on the proportion that the rates of such taxes or fees bear to each other, unless there is evidence to show that only one or the other of such taxes or fees was imposed or received or paid over.


The statement that an IDA is required by subdivision nine of § 874 (Tax exemptions)section eight hundred seventy-four of this article to file with the commissioner shall not be considered an exemption or other certificate or document under article twenty-eight or twenty-nine of the tax law. The IDA shall not represent to any agent, project operator, or other person or entity that a copy of such statement may serve as a sales or use tax exemption certificate or document. No agent or project operator may tender a copy of such statement to any person required to collect sales or use taxes as the basis to make any purchase exempt from tax. No such person required to collect sales or use taxes may accept such a statement in lieu of collecting any tax required to be collected. The civil and criminal penalties for misuse of a copy of such statement as an exemption certificate or document or for failure to pay or collect tax shall be as provided in the tax law. In addition, the use by an IDA or agent, project operator, or other person or entity of such statement, or the IDA’s recommendation of the use or tendering of such statement, as such an exemption certificate or document shall be deemed to be, under articles twenty-eight and thirty-seven of the tax law, the issuance of a false or fraudulent exemption certificate or document with intent to evade tax.


The commissioner is hereby authorized to audit the records, actions, and proceedings of an IDA and of its agents and project operators to ensure that the IDA and its agents and project operators comply with all the requirements of this section. Any information the commissioner finds in the course of such audit may be used by the commissioner to assess and determine state and local taxes of the IDA’s agent or project operator.


In addition to any other reporting or filing requirements an IDA has under this article or other law, an IDA shall also report and make available on the internet, without charge, copies of its resolutions and agreements appointing an agent or project operator or otherwise related to any project it establishes. It shall also provide, without charge, copies of all such reports and information to a person who asks for it in writing or in person. The IDA may, at the request of its agent or project operator delete from any such copies posted on the internet or provided to a person described in the prior sentence portions of its records that are specifically exempted from disclosure under article six of the public officers law.


In consultation with the commissioner of economic development, the commissioner of taxation and finance is hereby authorized to adopt rules and regulations and to issue publications and other guidance implementing the provisions of this section and of the other sections of this article relating to any state or local tax or fee, or exemption or exclusion therefrom, that the commissioner administers and that may be affected by any provision of this article, and any such rules and regulations of the commissioner shall have the same force and effect with respect to such taxes and fees, or amounts measured in respect of them, as if they had been adopted by the commissioner pursuant to the authority of the tax law.


To the extent that a provision of this section conflicts with a provision of any other section of this article, the provisions of this section shall control.

Source: Section 875 — Special provisions applicable to state sales and compensating use taxes and certain types of facilities, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/GMU/875 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Feb. 15, 2025).

Feb. 15, 2025

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 875’s source at nysenate​.gov

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