Executive Law Section 102
Filing and publication of codes, rules and regulations
a. No code, rule or regulation shall become effective until it is filed with the secretary of state, unless a later date is required by statute or is specified by such code, rule or regulation.b.
Each department, board, bureau, officer, authority, commission or other agency of the state, authorized by statute to adopt codes, rules or regulations shall transmit to the secretary of state a certified copy of every such code, rule and regulation except such as relate solely to the organization or internal management of such department, board, bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state in force at the time of such transmittal or to become effective thereafter, certified by the head of such department, board, bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state, or if such head is a board or commission, by the chairman or secretary thereof, together with a citation of the statutory authority pursuant to which each such code, rule or regulation was adopted.c.
Any code, rule or regulation which includes in the text thereof any United States statute, or code, rule or regulation previously published in the code of federal regulations or in the federal register, or any previously published data, criteria, standards, specifications, techniques, illustrations or other information reasonably available to regulated parties, shall have set forth in its text a precise identification of such material, including but not limited to: applicable titles, dates, editions, page numbers, section numbers, and authors, the names and addresses of the publisher from whom a copy may be obtained, and the designated office or offices of the adopting agency at which such material is available for public inspection and copying.d.
No amendment to any material identified pursuant to paragraph c of this subdivision shall be effective unless adopted in compliance with the applicable provisions of law and filed with the secretary of state pursuant to this section.e.
The secretary of state shall promulgate rules establishing procedure, forms, style and font for submission of every such code, rule and regulation required to be submitted by this section.2.
Immediately upon adopting any new code, rule or regulation including any rule as defined in the state administrative procedure act, or any amendment to or repeal thereof, except such as relate solely to the organization or internal management of a department, board, bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state, the original thereof shall be filed in the office of the department of state. Attached thereto shall be a certificate, in a form prescribed by the secretary of state, citing the statutory authority including particular sections and subdivisions pursuant to which each such change or new code, rule or regulation was adopted, the date of adoption, and the date of publication in the state register of the notice required under the provisions of the state administrative procedure act as well as the date and manner of publication of any additional prior notice required under any other statute. If the action taken shall be exempt from the provisions of the state administrative procedure act and if no other statutory notice requirement shall be applicable the certificate shall so state. Such certificate shall be signed by the head of the department, board, bureau, authority, commission, or other agency of the state, or if such head is a board or commission, by the chairman or secretary thereof, or, in lieu of such signatures, it may be signed by a person designated by such head or chairman aforementioned, provided such designation is made in writing, contains therein the signature of the person designated, and is filed with the department of state. The secretary of state shall reject any rule submitted for filing in the event that either the notice required by subdivision five or six of section two hundred two of the state administrative procedure act, or the attached certificate, reveals that the rule was not adopted in substantial compliance with section two hundred two of such act.3.
It shall be the duty of the secretary of state to prepare a master compilation of all such codes, rules and regulations in such form and order as he may determine. He shall not, however, change the language of any existing code, rule or regulation except a title or explanatory caption; but he shall recommend any such change as he may deem advisable to the department, board, bureau, officer, authority, commission or other agency of the state authorized to adopt such code, rule or regulation. Such master compilation shall include all codes, rules and regulations except such as relate solely to the organization or internal management of a department, board, bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state, in effect on the first day of January, nineteen hundred forty-five, and which he shall certify as a true copy of the master compilation prepared by him.4.
Publication of all such codes, rules and regulations filed with the secretary of state pursuant to this section shall be provided in the following manner:a.
the secretary of state shall make readily available in his office, for public inspection and copying, the full text of the master compilation;b.
each agency shall make readily available at a designated office or offices of the agency, for public inspection and copying, the full text of all codes, rules and regulations adopted by the agency;c.
at the same time material identified pursuant to paragraph c of subdivision one of this section is filed with the secretary of state, an agency shall transmit a copy of all such material except material that is:(i)
a United States statute or a code, rule or regulation published in the Code of Federal Regulations or in the Federal Register; or(ii)
readily available without charge on the internet to the legislative library and, within each judicial department of the state, one court law library designated by the chief administrator of the courts; provided that for materials readily available on the internet, the agency shall identify the address at which such materials can be accessed;d.
notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, photocopies of any codes, rules and regulations shall be available to the public upon payment of a fee not to exceed twenty-five cents per page; ande.
the secretary of state shall cause such compilation to be printed; however, he may exclude from such printed compilation any previously published portion of a rule which is precisely identified in the text thereof pursuant to paragraph c of subdivision one of this section.5.
The compilation printed pursuant to paragraph e of subdivision four of this section shall be known as the “official compilation of codes, rules and regulations of the state of New York” and shall presumptively establish the codes, rules and regulations of the state of New York, except such as relate solely to the organization or internal management of a department, board, bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state, in force and effect on the first day of January, nineteen hundred forty-five. The official supplements to such compilation published as hereinafter provided shall presumptively establish any changes in such codes, rules and regulations and any new codes, rules or regulations except such as relate solely to the organization or internal management of a department, board, bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state, affected by addition, amendment or repeal, or adopted during the period ending on the thirty-first day of December in any year immediately preceding the publication of such supplement. Nothing in such official compilation or any new edition thereof or official supplement thereto shall be construed as repealing or amending any code, rule or regulation adopted by any department, board, bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state, and in case of any inconsistency arising through omission or otherwise between the official compilation and such codes, rules and regulations as filed in the office of the secretary of state, the latter shall prevail.
Section 102 — Filing and publication of codes, rules and regulations, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/EXC/102
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).