N.Y. Domestic Relations Law Section 240-D
Support orders for certain adult dependents


Notwithstanding any other law, a person who would otherwise be chargeable under law with support of a minor child is also chargeable with the support of any such individual until such individual reaches the age of twenty-six, when it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court that the person is developmentally disabled as defined in subdivision twenty-two of section 1.03 of the mental hygiene law, resides with the person seeking such support, and is principally dependent on such person for maintenance. A finding of a developmental disability shall be supported by a diagnosis and accompanying report of a physician, licensed psychologist, registered professional nurse, licensed clinical social worker or a licensed master social worker under the supervision of a physician, psychologist or licensed clinical social worker authorized to practice under title eight of the education law, and acting within their lawful scope of practice.


Upon petition brought by such person, the court shall make its award for support for such individual with a developmental disability in accordance with the provisions of subdivision one-b of § 240 (Custody and child support)section two hundred forty of this article. In addition to the provisions of subdivision one-b of § 240 (Custody and child support)section two hundred forty of this article, the court may consider whether the financial responsibility of caring for the individual has been unreasonably placed on one parent when determining the support obligation. The duration of time the court may use when considering this factor shall be limited to the time period from when the child turned twenty-one until the individual turns twenty-six. If a child support order ended at the age of eighteen then such time period shall be from when the child turned eighteen until the individual turns twenty-six.


The court has jurisdiction to determine proceedings brought by petition and order to show cause, for the determination of support of such adult dependents, as well as to enforce or modify orders or judgments.


The court shall have discretion to order the payor party to make support payments either to the petitioner or to the trustee of an “exception trust” as defined in 42 U.S.C. 1396p(d)(4)(A) and (C), clause (iii) of subparagraph two of paragraph (b) of subdivision two of Social Services Law § 366 (Eligibility)section three hundred sixty-six of the social services law, and section 7-1.12 of the estates, powers and trusts law if such direction would assist in maximizing assistance to the child.


Except where inconsistent with this section, all provisions of this article relating to orders of child support shall apply to all orders of support for adults with developmental disabilities; provided, however, that such orders shall not be eligible for services pursuant to Social Services Law § 111-G (Availability of paternity and support services)section one hundred eleven-g of the social services law.


A determination made pursuant to this section that the person is or is not developmentally disabled, as defined in subdivision twenty-two of section 1.03 of the mental hygiene law, shall not be binding on the state, a local government or the person for any other purpose, including determinations of eligibility for services authorized by the office for people with developmental disabilities.

Source: Section 240-D — Support orders for certain adult dependents, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/DOM/240-D (updated Mar. 4, 2022; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Required residence of parties
Residence of married persons
Notice of nature of matrimonial action
Sequestration of defendant’s property in action for divorce, separation or annulment where defendant cannot be personally served
Title to or occupancy and possession of property
Information as to details of matrimonial actions or proceedings
Special controlling provisions
Counsel fees and expenses
Expenses in enforcement and modification proceedings
Stay in divorce or separation action on default of payment
Custody and child support
Judgment or decree
Order of support by parent
Review and cost of living adjustment of child support orders
Support orders for certain adult dependents
Interference with or withholding of visitation rights
Security for payments by defendant in action for divorce, separation or annulment
Enforcement by execution of judgment or order in action for divorce, separation or annulment
Enforcement of arrears which accrue during pendency of an enforcement proceeding
Child support proceedings and enforcement of arrears
Child support proceedings and enforcement of arrears
Child support proceedings and enforcement of arrears
Enforcement by contempt proceedings of judgment or order in action for divorce, separation or annulment
Persons financially unable to comply with orders or judgments directing the payment of alimony
Alimony or maintenance payments suspended during confinement in prison
Modification of judgment or order in action for divorce or annulment
Trial preferences in matrimonial actions
Agreements relating to marriage
Filing of order in family court
Effect of pendency of action for divorce, separation or annulment on petition for order of protection
Removal of barriers to remarriage
Prerequisites for judgments under articles nine, ten and eleven of this chapter

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
Mar. 4, 2022

§ 240-D’s source at nysenate​.gov

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