N.Y. Civil Service Law Section 215
Dues or agency shop fee deductions


Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any public employer, any employee organization, the comptroller and the board, or any of their employees or agents, shall not be liable for, and shall have a complete defense to, any claims or actions under the laws of this state for requiring, deducting, receiving, or retaining dues or agency shop fee deductions from public employees, and current or former public employees shall not have standing to pursue these claims or actions, if the dues or fees were permitted or mandated at the time under the laws of this state then in force and paid, through payroll deduction or otherwise, prior to June twenty-seventh, two thousand eighteen.


This section shall apply to claims and actions pending or filed on or after June twenty-seventh, two thousand eighteen.


The enactment of this section shall not be interpreted to create the inference that any relief made unavailable by this section would otherwise be available.

Source: Section 215 — Dues or agency shop fee deductions, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/CVS/215 (updated Apr. 10, 2020; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
Apr. 10, 2020

§ 215’s source at nysenate​.gov

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