N.Y. Civil Practice Law & Rules Section 215
Actions to be commenced within one year: against sheriff, coroner or constable

  • for escape of prisoner
  • for assault, battery, false impri...

§ 215. Actions to be commenced within one year: against sheriff, coroner or constable; for escape of prisoner; for assault, battery, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, libel or slander; for violation of right of privacy; for penalty given to informer; on arbitration award. The following actions shall be commenced within one year:


an action against a sheriff, coroner or constable, upon a liability incurred by him by doing an act in his official capacity or by omission of an official duty, except the non-payment of money collected upon an execution;


an action against an officer for the escape of a prisoner arrested or imprisoned by virtue of a civil mandate;


an action to recover damages for assault, battery, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, libel, slander, false words causing special damages, or a violation of the right of privacy under Civil Rights Law § 51 (Action for injunction and for damages)section fifty-one of the civil rights law;


an action to enforce a penalty or forfeiture created by statute and given wholly or partly to any person who will prosecute; if the action is not commenced within the year by a private person, it may be commenced on behalf of the state, within three years after the commission of the offense, by the attorney-general or the district attorney of the county where the offense was committed; and


an action upon an arbitration award.


An action to recover any overcharge of interest or to enforce a penalty for such overcharge.


an action by a tenant pursuant to subdivision three of Real Property Law § 223-B (Retaliation by landlord against tenant)section two hundred twenty-three-b of the real property law.


(a) Whenever it is shown that a criminal action against the same defendant has been commenced with respect to the event or occurrence from which a claim governed by this section arises, the plaintiff shall have at least one year from the termination of the criminal action as defined in section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law in which to commence the civil action, notwithstanding that the time in which to commence such action has already expired or has less than a year remaining.


Whenever it is shown that a criminal action against the same defendant has been commenced with respect to the event or occurrence from which a claim governed by this section arises, and such criminal action is for rape in the first degree as defined in section 130.35 of the penal law, or a crime formerly defined in section 130.50 of the penal law, or aggravated sexual abuse in the first degree as defined in section 130.70 of the penal law, or course of sexual conduct against a child in the first degree as defined in section 130.75 of the penal law, the plaintiff shall have at least five years from the termination of the criminal action as defined in section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law in which to commence the civil action, notwithstanding that the time in which to commence such action has already expired or has less than a year remaining.


Notwithstanding the opening paragraph of this section, an action that may be brought to recover damages for injury arising from domestic violence, as defined in Social Services Law § 459-A (Definitions)section four hundred fifty-nine-a of the social services law, shall be commenced within two years. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to modify any time limitation contained in § 214 (Actions to be commenced within three years: for non-payment of money collected on execution)section two hundred fourteen of this article or subdivision eight of this section.

Source: Section 215 — Actions to be commenced within one year: against sheriff, coroner or constable; for escape of prisoner; for assault, battery, false impri..., https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/CVP/215 (updated Sep. 6, 2024; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Application of article
Cause of action accruing without the state
Method of computing periods of limitation generally
Stay of commencement of action
Termination of action
Termination of certain actions related to real property
Computing periods of limitation in particular actions
Defendant’s absence from state or residence under false name
Infancy, insanity
Death of claimant or person liable
Actions to be commenced within twenty years
Actions to be commenced within ten or fifteen years
Actions to be commenced within six years: where not otherwise provided for
Residential rent overcharge
Action by a victim of a criminal offense
Action by victim of conduct constituting certain sexual offenses
Actions to be commenced within three years
Actions to be commenced within three years: for non-payment of money collected on execution
Action for medical, dental or podiatric malpractice to be commenced within two years and six months
Action to recover damages for personal injury caused by contact with or exposure to phenoxy herbicides
Certain actions to be commenced within three years of discovery
Limitations on certain actions against licensed engineers and architects
Action to recover damages for personal injury caused by the infusion of such blood products which result in the contraction of the human ...
Action to recover damages for personal injury caused by contact with or exposure to any substance or combination of substances found with...
Certain child sexual abuse cases
Certain actions by public water suppliers to recover damages for injury to property
Certain actions arising out of consumer credit transactions to be commenced within three years
Action to recover damages for personal injury caused by contact with or exposure to toxic burn pits
Certain sexual offense actions
Actions to be commenced within one year: against sheriff, coroner or constable
Abbreviation of period to one year after notice
Proceeding against body or officer
Actions to be commenced within one year and ninety days
Transitional provisions

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
Sep. 6, 2024

§ 215’s source at nysenate​.gov

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