N.Y. Civil Practice Law & Rules Section 212
Actions to be commenced within ten or fifteen years


Possession necessary to recover real property. An action to recover real property or its possession cannot be commenced unless the plaintiff, or his predecessor in interest, was seized or possessed of the premises within ten years before the commencement of the action.


Annulment of letters patent. Where letters patent or a grant of real property, issued or made by the state, are declared void on the ground of fraudulent suggestion or concealment, forfeiture, mistake or ignorance of a material fact, wrongful detaining or defective title, an action to recover the premises may be commenced by the state or by a subsequent patentee or grantee, or his successor in interest, within ten years after the determination is made.


To redeem from a mortgage. An action to redeem real property from a mortgage with or without an account of rents and profits may be commenced by the mortgagor or his successors in interest, against the mortgagee in possession, or against the purchaser of the mortgaged premises at a foreclosure sale in an action in which the mortgagor or his successors in interest were not excluded from their interest in the mortgaged premises, or against a successor in interest of either, unless the mortgagee, purchaser or successor was continuously possessed of the premises for ten years after the breach or non-fulfillment of a condition or covenant of the mortgage, or the date of recording of the deed of the premises to the purchaser.


To recover under an affidavit of support of a noncitizen. An action under Social Services Law § 122 (Noncitizens)section one hundred twenty-two of the social services law to recover amounts paid to or on behalf of a noncitizen for whom an affidavit of support pursuant to section 213A of the immigration and naturalization act has been signed.


By a victim of sex trafficking, compelling prostitution, or labor trafficking. An action by a victim of sex trafficking, compelling prostitution, labor trafficking or aggravated labor trafficking, brought pursuant to subdivision (c) of Social Services Law § 483-BB (Services for victims of human trafficking)section four hundred eighty-three-bb of the social services law, may be commenced within fifteen years after such victimization occurs provided, however, that such fifteen year period shall not begin to run and shall be tolled during any period in which the victim is or remains subject to such conduct.

Source: Section 212 — Actions to be commenced within ten or fifteen years, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/CVP/212 (updated Dec. 16, 2022; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Application of article
Cause of action accruing without the state
Method of computing periods of limitation generally
Stay of commencement of action
Termination of action
Termination of certain actions related to real property
Computing periods of limitation in particular actions
Defendant’s absence from state or residence under false name
Infancy, insanity
Death of claimant or person liable
Actions to be commenced within twenty years
Actions to be commenced within ten or fifteen years
Actions to be commenced within six years: where not otherwise provided for
Residential rent overcharge
Action by a victim of a criminal offense
Action by victim of conduct constituting certain sexual offenses
Actions to be commenced within three years
Actions to be commenced within three years: for non-payment of money collected on execution
Action for medical, dental or podiatric malpractice to be commenced within two years and six months
Action to recover damages for personal injury caused by contact with or exposure to phenoxy herbicides
Certain actions to be commenced within three years of discovery
Limitations on certain actions against licensed engineers and architects
Action to recover damages for personal injury caused by the infusion of such blood products which result in the contraction of the human ...
Action to recover damages for personal injury caused by contact with or exposure to any substance or combination of substances found with...
Certain child sexual abuse cases
Certain actions by public water suppliers to recover damages for injury to property
Certain actions arising out of consumer credit transactions to be commenced within three years
Action to recover damages for personal injury caused by contact with or exposure to toxic burn pits
Certain sexual offense actions
Actions to be commenced within one year: against sheriff, coroner or constable
Abbreviation of period to one year after notice
Proceeding against body or officer
Actions to be commenced within one year and ninety days
Transitional provisions

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
Dec. 16, 2022

§ 212’s source at nysenate​.gov

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