Definitions 1711
Grounds 1712
By whom maintainable 1721
Notice of petition 1722
Contents of petition 1731
Infant, incompetent or conservatee a ward of court 1741
Reference 1742
Appraisal 1743
Judgment 1744
Security 1745
Report and confirmation of agreement and of conveyance 1746
When particular estates to be included in disposition 1747
When reversionary estates to be included in sale 1751
Sale contrary to will or conveyance prohibited 1753
Effect of disposition 1755
Proceeds of sale deemed real property 1761
Distribution of proceeds of disposition 1762
Distribution of proceeds to owner of particular or reversionary estate 1763
Distribution of proceeds upon release of inchoate right of dower 1764
Distribution of proceeds where there is an interest of an infant not in being 1765
Distribution of proceeds to guardian of infant, committee of incompetent or conservator of conservatee 1766
Distribution of proceeds on death of infant, incompetent or conservatee
Definitions 1711
Grounds 1712
By whom maintainable 1721
Notice of petition 1722
Contents of petition 1731
Infant, incompetent or conservatee a ward of court 1741
Reference 1742
Appraisal 1743
Judgment 1744
Security 1745
Report and confirmation of agreement and of conveyance 1746
When particular estates to be included in disposition 1747
When reversionary estates to be included in sale 1751
Sale contrary to will or conveyance prohibited 1753
Effect of disposition 1755
Proceeds of sale deemed real property 1761
Distribution of proceeds of disposition 1762
Distribution of proceeds to owner of particular or reversionary estate 1763
Distribution of proceeds upon release of inchoate right of dower 1764
Distribution of proceeds where there is an interest of an infant not in being 1765
Distribution of proceeds to guardian of infant, committee of incompetent or conservator of conservatee 1766
Distribution of proceeds on death of infant, incompetent or conservatee