N.Y. Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law Section 220
Licenses for participants and employees at race meetings

* 1. For the purpose of maintaining a proper control over race meetings conducted pursuant to sections two hundred five and two hundred six of this article, the commission shall license owners, which term shall be deemed to include part-owners and lessees, trainers, assistant trainers and jockeys, jockey agents, stable employees, and such other persons as the commission may by rule prescribe at running races and at steeplechases, provided, however, that no such license shall be required for seasonal employees hired solely to work for no longer than six weeks during the summer meet at Saratoga racetrack, and any such other times as race dates historically assigned to Belmont Park are conducted at the Saratoga racetrack in two thousand twenty-four and two thousand twenty-five as approved in writing by the commission. In the event that a proposed licensee is other than a natural person, the commission shall require by regulation disclosure of the names and addresses of all owners of an interest in such entity. The commission may retain, employ or appoint such officers, employees and agents, as it may deem necessary to receive, examine and make recommendations, for the consideration of the commission, in respect of applications for such licenses; prescribe their duties in connection therewith, and fix their compensation therefor within the limitations prescribed by law. Each applicant for a license shall pay to the commission an annual license fee as follows: owner’s license, if a renewal, fifty dollars, and if an original application, one hundred dollars; trainer’s license, thirty dollars; assistant trainer’s license, thirty dollars; jockey’s license, fifty dollars; jockey agent’s license, twenty dollars; and stable employee’s license, five dollars. Each applicant may apply for a two-year or three-year license by payment to the commission of the appropriate multiple of the annual fee. The commission may by rule fix the license fees to be paid by other persons required to be licensed by the rules of the commission, not to exceed thirty dollars per category. The application for the license shall be in writing in such form as the commission may prescribe, and contain such information as the commission may require. The commission shall henceforth cause all applicants for licenses to be photographed and fingerprinted and may issue identification cards to licensees. Such fingerprints shall be submitted to the division of criminal justice services for a state criminal history record check, as defined in subdivision one of Education Law § 3035 (Duties of commissioner)section three thousand thirty-five of the education law, and may be submitted to the federal bureau of investigation for a national criminal history record check. A fee equal to the actual cost of issuance shall be charged for the initial issuance of such identification cards. Each such license unless revoked for cause shall be for the period of no more than one, two or three years, determined by rule of the commission, expiring on the applicant’s birth date. Licenses current on the effective date of this provision shall not be reduced in duration by this provision. An applicant who applies for a license that, if issued, would take effect less than six months prior to the applicant’s birth date may, by payment of a fifty percent higher fee, receive a license which shall not expire until the applicant’s second succeeding birth date. All receipts of the commission derived from the operation of this section shall be paid by it into the state treasury on or before the tenth day of each month. All officials connected with the actual conduct of racing shall be subject to approval by the commission. * NB Effective until December 31, 2026 * 1. For the purpose of maintaining a proper control over race meetings conducted pursuant to sections two hundred five and two hundred six of this article, the commission shall license owners, which term shall be deemed to include part-owners and lessees, trainers, assistant trainers and jockeys, jockey agents, stable employees, and such other persons as the commission may by rule prescribe at running races and at steeplechases, provided, however, that no such license shall be required for seasonal employees hired solely to work for no longer than six weeks during the summer meet at Saratoga racetrack. In the event that a proposed licensee is other than a natural person, the commission shall require by regulation disclosure of the names and addresses of all owners of an interest in such entity. The commission may retain, employ or appoint such officers, employees and agents, as it may deem necessary to receive, examine and make recommendations, for the consideration of the commission, in respect of applications for such licenses; prescribe their duties in connection therewith, and fix their compensation therefor within the limitations prescribed by law. Each applicant for a license shall pay to the commission an annual license fee as follows: owner’s license, if a renewal, fifty dollars, and if an original application, one hundred dollars; trainer’s license, thirty dollars; assistant trainer’s license, thirty dollars; jockey’s license, fifty dollars; jockey agent’s license, twenty dollars; and stable employee’s license, five dollars. Each applicant may apply for a two-year or three-year license by payment to the commission of the appropriate multiple of the annual fee. The commission may by rule fix the license fees to be paid by other persons required to be licensed by the rules of the commission, not to exceed thirty dollars per category. The application for the license shall be in writing in such form as the commission may prescribe, and contain such information as the commission may require. The commission shall henceforth cause all applicants for licenses to be photographed and fingerprinted and may issue identification cards to licensees. Such fingerprints shall be submitted to the division of criminal justice services for a state criminal history record check, as defined in subdivision one of Education Law § 3035 (Duties of commissioner)section three thousand thirty-five of the education law, and may be submitted to the federal bureau of investigation for a national criminal history record check. A fee equal to the actual cost of issuance shall be charged for the initial issuance of such identification cards. Each such license unless revoked for cause shall be for the period of no more than one, two or three years, determined by rule of the commission, expiring on the applicant’s birth date. Licenses current on the effective date of this provision shall not be reduced in duration by this provision. An applicant who applies for a license that, if issued, would take effect less than six months prior to the applicant’s birth date may, by payment of a fifty percent higher fee, receive a license which shall not expire until the applicant’s second succeeding birth date. All receipts of the commission derived from the operation of this section shall be paid by it into the state treasury on or before the tenth day of each month. All officials connected with the actual conduct of racing shall be subject to approval by the commission. * NB Effective December 31, 2026 2. If the commission finds that the financial responsibility, experience, character and general fitness of the applicant are such that the participation of such person will be consistent with the public interest, convenience or necessity and with the best interests of racing generally in conformity with the purposes of this article, the commission shall thereupon grant a license. If the commission finds that the applicant fails to meet any of said conditions, it shall not grant such license and it shall notify the applicant of the denial. The commission may refuse to issue or renew a license, or may suspend or revoke a license issued pursuant to this section, if the commission finds that the applicant, or any person who is a partner, agent, employee or associate of the applicant, has been convicted of a crime in any jurisdiction, or is or has been associating or consorting with any person who has or persons who have been convicted of a crime or crimes in any jurisdiction or jurisdictions or is consorting or associating with or has consorted or associated with bookmakers, touts, or persons of similar pursuits, or has himself or herself engaged in similar pursuits, or is financially irresponsible, or has been guilty of or attempted any fraud or misrepresentation in connection with racing, breeding, or otherwise, or has violated or attempted to violate any law with respect to racing in any jurisdiction or any rule, regulation or order of the commission, or shall have violated any rule of racing which shall have been approved or adopted by the commission, or has been guilty of or engaged in similar, related or like practices.


No license shall be revoked unless such revocation is by commission determination upon a meeting of the commission. Prior to revocation or suspension of license a licensee shall be entitled to a hearing on notice except that summary suspension where emergency action is required in accordance with subdivision three of section four hundred one of the state administrative procedure act may be ordered. In the conduct of such hearing the commission shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence but all evidence offered before the commission shall be reduced to writing, and such evidence together with the exhibits, if any, and the findings of the commission, shall be permanently preserved and shall constitute the record of the commission in such case. Such hearing may be presided over by the chair of the commission or by any member or by an officer of the commission designated by the chair in writing to act as hearing officer and such person or persons may issue subpoenas for witnesses and administer oaths to witnesses. The hearing officer, at the conclusion of the hearing shall make findings that, if concurred in by a majority of the commission, shall become the findings of the commission. The action of the commission in refusing, suspending or in revoking a license shall be reviewable in the supreme court in the manner provided by the provisions of article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules.


Within one year from the date of payment and upon the audit of the state comptroller, monies may be refunded for any fee paid pursuant to this section for which no license is issued or refund that portion of the payment that is in excess of the amount prescribed by this section.

Source: Section 220 — Licenses for participants and employees at race meetings, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/PML/220 (updated Sep. 20, 2024; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).

Restriction upon commencement of business
Liability of the directors of a franchised corporation
No debt of the state
Right to hold race meetings and races
Certificate of payment of stock
License for running races and steeplechase meetings
Franchise for running races and steeplechase meetings
Board of directors of a franchised corporation
Conditions of franchise award
Examination of the books and accounts by the state comptroller
Franchise termination
Relinquishment of franchise
Fair association, when entitled to privileges
Franchise oversight board
Project labor agreements
Acquisition of racing facilities
Disposition of racing facilities or certain assets
Revocation of licenses
Stewards at race meetings
Advertising or promotional material
Licenses for participants and employees at race meetings
Corporations continued
New York Jockey Injury Compensation Fund, Inc
Health insurance for jockeys
Health insurance for trainers
Notice to be posted upon grounds
Special police officers
Penalty for unlawful racing and betting
Registration of race horses
Increased or additional entrance fees
Pension plans for backstretch employees
Backstretch employees drug and alcohol rehabilitation eligibility
Membership in a national thoroughbred racing association
Pari-mutuel betting on horse races legalized
License to conduct pari-mutuel betting at race meetings for running races or steeplechases
Bond required of corporation conducting pari-mutuel betting
Place and manner of conducting pari-mutuel betting
Rules for the conduct of pari-mutuel betting
Disposition of pari-mutuel pools
Capital improvements
Disposition of pari-mutuel pools of the franchised corporation
Books and records of pari-mutuel betting
Yearly audit
Disposition of unpaid money due on account of pari-mutuel tickets not presented
Races for horses bred in the state
Free or reduced fee passes, cards or badges
Revocation of license or franchise
Hearing on refusal or revocation of license or franchise
Approval of plans of corporation
Racing zones
Racing season
Pari-mutuel employees to be citizens and residents
Power of commission to impose penalties
New York state thoroughbred breeding and development fund
Powers of the fund
Resources of fund
Annual audit
Annual report
Actions against fund

Mar. 1, 2025

Last modified:
Sep. 20, 2024

§ 220’s source at nysenate​.gov

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