N.Y. Public Authorities Law Section 361
Traffic control


(a) In addition to the powers conferred by the vehicle and traffic law, the authority is hereby authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations for the use and occupancy of the thruway as may be necessary and proper for the public safety and convenience, for the preservation of its property and for the collection of tolls and provided further that the authority, in consultation with the departments of environmental conservation and transportation, is hereby authorized to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement a heavy duty vehicle roadside inspection program pursuant to Environmental Conservation Law § 19-0320 (Emissions inspections of heavy duty vehicles)section 19-0320 of the environmental conservation law.


Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of any general, special or local law, the thruway authority shall mark, with appropriate directional signs, the exits nearest to any state owned unique natural attraction within forty miles of the thruway which lies wholly or partially within the state of New York, such as, lakes more than ten miles in length, excepting Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, and mountains more than five thousand feet in height.


Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of the general business law or of any other law, general, special or local, the landing and take-off of planes on the thruway system shall be governed by rules and regulations promulgated by the thruway authority.


The violation of any such rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to this section shall be an offense and a first conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more than fifteen days or by both such fine and imprisonment; a second such conviction within eighteen months thereafter shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than forty-five days or by both such fine and imprisonment; and a third or subsequent conviction within eighteen months after the first conviction shall be punishable by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more than ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment; provided, however, that the violation of any such rule or regulation relating to the transportation of explosives class a or class b shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or by both such fine and imprisonment.


For the purpose of conferring jurisdiction upon courts and judicial officers generally, violations of those rules and regulations of the authority which are herein defined as offenses shall nevertheless be deemed misdemeanors for the sole purpose of making applicable all procedural provisions of law relating to misdemeanors, and courts of special sessions outside the city of New York and in the city of New York, the criminal court of the city of New York, in the first instance, shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine charges of such violations and provided, further, that no jury trial shall be allowed for such violations.


Enforcement of the rules and regulations of the thruway authority and of those provisions of the vehicle and traffic law applicable to the thruway shall be by authority forces, provided however, that at the request of the authority, such enforcement shall be the duty of the division of state police. Violators shall be apprehended and prosecuted in the same manner as provided for the apprehension and prosecution of violators of the vehicle and traffic law who commit violations thereof upon the state highway system. Authority forces specifically employed for the enforcement of such rules and regulations, during the term of such employment, shall be uniformed, shall have the powers of peace officers, as set forth in section 2.20 of the criminal procedure law, and shall have, within the limits of any municipality within which any portion of the thruway system under the jurisdiction of the authority shall be located, all the powers of a peace officer in the execution of criminal processes; and criminal process issued by any court or magistrate of a municipality within which any portion of the thruway system under the jurisdiction of the authority shall be located, may be directed to and executed by any such employee notwithstanding the provisions of any local or special law, ordinance or regulation.

Source: Section 361 — Traffic control, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/PBA/361 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).

Short title
New York State thruway authority
Purposes of the authority and benefits therefrom
Powers of the authority
Officers and employees
Thruway sections and connections
Names and designations of thruway sections and connections
Thruway to be designated as a section of a national network of Blue Star memorial highways
Right of authority to use state property
State police and state payment for services
Sharing employees, services and resources
Indemnification and defense under shared services agreement
Acquisition of real property by the commissioner
Acquisition of real property by the authority
Construction, reconstruction and improvement
Procurement contracts
Operation and maintenance
Traffic control
Restriction and regulation of advertising devices
Jurisdiction in certain suits against the authority
Tourist information facilities
Agreement with the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation
Assistance by state officers, departments, boards, divisions and commissions
Annual report
Deposit and investment of moneys of the authority
Notes or bonds of the authority
Guaranty by the state
State’s right to require redemption of bonds
Remedies of noteholders and bondholders
Liability of state
Notes and bonds legal investments for public officers and fiduciaries
Tax exemption
Tax covenant
Agreement of the state
Title not affected if in part unconstitutional
Inconsistent provisions in other acts superseded
Further additional powers of the authority
Provision for servicing state vehicles with petroleum, etc
Specially priced commuter tickets
Emergency service permits
Further additional powers of the authority to finance certain repayment obligations of the state in connection with the purchase of real ...
Further additional powers of the authority to finance certain local highway and bridge improvements and payments to the authority
Further additional powers of the authority
Additional powers of the authority to undertake and finance certain transportation projects
Additional powers of the authority to issue special dedicated highway and bridge trust fund bonds
Additional powers of the authority to issue special rail and aviation transportation bonds
Financing of metropolitan transportation authority (MTA) transportation facilities
Financing of peace bridge and transportation capital projects
Fees for searches and copies of accident and accident reconstruction reports
Limitation on powers of the authority
Information concerning services for human trafficking victims in facilities at service areas

Mar. 1, 2025

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 361’s source at

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