Municipal Housing Authorities Law Section 62
The term “authority” shall mean a municipal housing authority established pursuant to this article by any county, city or first class village of the state.2.
The term “board” shall mean the state board of housing.3.
The term “municipality” shall mean the county, city or first class village establishing the authority. 3-a. The term “county” means a county not wholly included within a city. 3-b. The term “mayor” also includes the mayor of a first class village establishing the authority. 3-c. The term “village” means a village of the first class as defined in the village law. 3-d. The term “local legislative body” (a) in a city, means the local legislative board or body of such city as defined in the city home rule law;(b)
in a county, means the board of supervisors or other legislative governing board or body of such county, and(c)
in a village, means the board of trustees of the village. 3-e. The term “county executive” means the chairman of the board of supervisors or other administrative head of the county.4.
The term “comptroller” shall mean the comptroller in cities having a comptroller. In cities, counties and villages having no comptroller it shall mean the chief financial officer of such municipality.5.
The term “state” shall mean New York state.6.
The term “government” shall include the state and the federal government and any subdivision, agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of either of them.7.
The term “areas” shall mean a section of the municipality wherein the authority finds that unsanitary or substandard housing conditions exist. An area may include land whether improved or unimproved, and buildings or improvements not in themselves unsanitary or substandard, the inclusion of which is deemed necessary by the authority for the effective clearance, replanning or reconstruction of the section or any part thereof.8.
The term “project” shall mean a plan or undertaking (a) for the clearance, replanning, or reconstruction of an area or areas, or part or parts thereof and/or (b) for the providing for persons of low income, of housing accommodations in any section of the municipality, whether or not such section has unsanitary substandard housing conditions. The term shall include the lands, buildings and improvements acquired, owned, constructed, managed or operated hereunder, to provide dwelling accommodations for persons of low income, and such stores, offices and other commercial or non-housing facilities as well as social, recreational or communal facilities, as may be deemed by the authority to be incidental or appurtenant to such plan or undertaking. The term “federal project” shall mean a project aided or financed in whole or in part, by the federal government, where such government reserves the right to approve or supervise the construction or operation of the project. The term “non-federal project” shall mean a project other than a federal project.9.
The term “bonds” shall include notes, debentures or other written evidences of indebtedness.10.
The term “mortgage” shall include deeds of trust, building and loan contracts or other instruments creating a lien.11.
The term “real property” shall include lands, lands under water, structures, and any and all easements, franchises and incorporeal hereditaments and every estate and right therein, legal and equitable, including terms for years and liens by way of judgment, mortgage or otherwise.12.
“Obligee” shall include any bondholder, trustee or trustees for any bondholders, any lessor demising property to an authority used in connection with a project or any assignee or assignees of such lessor’s interest, and the federal government, when it is a party to any contract with the authority. * NB The text of Article 5 of the former State Housing Law (cited herein as the “Municipal Housing Authorities Law”), as such article existed immediately prior to its repeal pursuant to section 227 of Chapter 808 of the Laws of 1939, is provided here for ease of reference and historical purposes as such text continues to be applicable for the New York City Housing Authority pursuant to the provisions of section 401 of the current Public Housing Law.
Section 62 — Definitions, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/MHA/62
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).