N.Y. Highway Law Section 19-A
Pollinator friendly plant species

  • medians


The commissioner shall, in cooperation with the department of environmental conservation, develop policies and procedures to encourage the use of native plant species that are pollinator friendly in medians along highways under the jurisdiction of the department and to encourage and provide technical assistance to counties, cities, towns and villages in the use of native plant species that are pollinator friendly in medians along highways under the respective jurisdiction of such counties, cities, towns and villages.


The commissioner shall develop policies and procedures for mowing medians located along highways on the state system of highways that will, wherever feasible and consistent with standards of safety for motor vehicle operators, cyclists, and pedestrians, reduce the amount of area within such highway medians that is mowed.

Source: Section 19-A — Pollinator friendly plant species; medians, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/HAY/19-A (updated Jun. 23, 2023; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
Jun. 23, 2023

§ 19-A’s source at nysenate​.gov

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