General Municipal Law Section 72-F
Acquisition of lands for parkway and airport purposes and dedication of the same by counties and municipal corporations
Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special act or the provisions of this article, the governing board of any municipal corporation or the board of supervisors of any county may acquire by purchase, gift, devise or condemnation real estate or any interest therein for conservation purposes or for a state park, parkway or boulevard or incidental to the separation of grades at the intersection of a state parkway or boulevard and a county, town or village road, highway or street, and may donate or dedicate the same to the state or may release and convey to the state for such purpose presently owned lands, existing rights of way or easements, wheresoever located, not required for county, city, town or village purposes. Such municipal corporations or boards of supervisors may also purchase options to carry out the purposes of this section in aid of the state park and parkway system. Such municipal corporations or boards of supervisors may acquire such real estate or interest therein by purchase, gift, devise, or by condemnation in the manner provided by law. Several of the municipalities herein mentioned may contribute toward the cost of acquisition of a state park wholly or partly within their boundaries or adjacent or near to them on the basis of probable benefit to such municipalities. In the event that a state park is acquired by agreement involving contributions by several municipalities, the purchase price may be met by one or more payments over a period of not to exceed two years in accordance with the terms of the agreement.2.
The board of supervisors of any county is hereby authorized to agree with owners respecting the extent and use of easements for slope protection acquired prior to March first, nineteen hundred thirty-one, and to grant to owners of lands abutting upon lands heretofore acquired by such board for such purpose pursuant to authority conferred by this section rights of way over and access to lands so acquired upon such terms and for such considerations, as to such board may seem reasonable and proper.3.
If the acquisition be by a county, the governing board thereof may cause such moneys to be raised, in whole or in part, by taxation and levied and collected as other taxes in such county or such moneys may be raised, in whole or in part, pursuant to the local finance law; if the acquisition be by a town, the moneys necessary therefor shall constitute a town charge and be raised, in whole or in part, by taxation as other town charges or such moneys may be raised, in whole or in part, pursuant to the local finance law; if the acquisition be by a village, the moneys therefor may be raised, in whole or in part, by taxation, as other village taxes or such moneys may be raised, in whole or in part, pursuant to the local finance law. * 4. The governing board of any municipal corporation in the county of Suffolk or the board of supervisors of said county of Suffolk may acquire by purchase, gift, devise or condemnation, real estate or any interest therein necessary for or incidental to the establishment, construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of an airport or landing field and may enter into a contract or agreement with any other governmental authority, both federal and state, in relation to the establishment, construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of an airport or landing field. Such municipal corporations or the board of supervisors may acquire such real estate or interest therein in the manner provided by chapter one hundred ninety of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty-seven as amended, and all provisions of such act shall, as far as practicable, apply to the acquisition of real estate or interest therein in the same manner and with the same effect as though the lands herein authorized to be acquired were mentioned in such act. If the acquisition be by the county of Suffolk, the board of supervisors may cause such moneys to be raised by taxation and levy and collected as other taxes in such county or may borrow money therefor on the credit of such county by the issuance and sale of county bonds in the manner provided by law for the issuance and sale of other county obligations. If the acquisition be by a town, the moneys necessary therefor shall constitute a town charge and be raised by taxes as other town charges or the town board may in its discretion cause town bonds to be issued and sold in the manner provided by law for the issuance and sale of town bonds under the town law. If the acquisition be by a village, the moneys therefor may be raised by taxes as other village taxes or by the issuance and sale of village bonds in the manner provided by the laws governing such village relating to village obligations after the adoption of a resolution therefor by the board of trustees, without other authorization. * NB Expired July 1, 1946
Section 72-F — Acquisition of lands for parkway and airport purposes and dedication of the same by counties and municipal corporations, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/GMU/72-F
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).