N.Y. Education Law Section 6509-B
Additional definition of professional misconduct

  • arrears in payment of support
  • limited application


The provisions of this section shall apply in all cases of licensee or registrant arrears in payment of child support or combined child and spousal support referred to the board of regents by a court pursuant to the requirements of section two hundred forty-four-c of the domestic relations law or pursuant to section four hundred fifty-eight-b of the family court act.


Upon receipt of an order from the court pursuant to one of the foregoing provisions of law, the board of regents, if it finds such person to be so licensed or registered, shall within thirty days of receipt of such order from the court, provide notice to the licensee or registrant of, and cause the regents review committee to initiate, a hearing which shall be held at least twenty days and no more than thirty days after the sending of such notice to the licensee or registrant. The hearing shall be held solely for the purpose of determining whether there exists as of the date of the hearing proof that full payment of all arrears of support established by the order of the court to be due from the licensee or registrant have been paid. Proof of such payment shall be a certified check showing full payment of established arrears or a notice issued by the court or by the support collection unit where the order is payable to the support collection unit designated by the appropriate social services district. Such notice shall state that full payment of all arrears of support established by the order of the court to be due have been paid. The licensee or registrant shall be given full opportunity to present such proof of payment at the hearing in person or by counsel. The only issue to be determined by the regents review committee as a result of the hearing is whether the arrears have been paid. No evidence with respect to the appropriateness of the court order or ability of the respondent party in arrears to comply with such order shall be received or considered by the committee.


Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this article or of any other provision of law to the contrary, the license or registration of a person subject to the provisions of this title and/or subject to the provisions of title two-A of article two of the public health law shall be suspended if, at the hearing provided for by subdivision two of this section, the licensee or registrant fails to present proof of payment as required by such subdivision. Such suspension shall not be lifted unless the court or the support collection unit, where the court order is payable to the support collection unit designated by the appropriate social services district, issues notice to the regents review committee that full payment of all arrears of support established by the order of the court to be due have been paid.


The board of regents shall inform the court of all actions taken hereunder as required by law.


This section applies to support obligations paid pursuant to any order of child support or child and spousal support issued under provisions of article three-A or section two hundred thirty-six or two hundred forty of the domestic relations law, or article four, five or five-A of the family court act.


Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this article or of any other provision of law to the contrary, the provisions of this section shall apply to the exclusion of any other requirements of this article and to the exclusion of any other requirement of law to the contrary.

Source: Section 6509-B — Additional definition of professional misconduct; arrears in payment of support; limited application, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/EDN/6509-B (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Oct. 12, 2024).

Oct. 12, 2024

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 6509-B’s source at nysenate​.gov

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