Correction Law Section 10
Parole officers
Employees in the department who perform the duties of supervising incarcerated individuals released on community supervision shall be parole officers.2.
No person shall be eligible for the position of parole officer who is under twenty-one years of age or who does not possess a baccalaureate degree conferred by a post-secondary institution accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States office of education, or who is not fit physically, mentally and morally. Parole officer selection shall be based on definite qualifications as to character, ability and training with an emphasis on capacity and ability to provide a balanced approach to influencing human behavior and to use judgment in the enforcement of the rules and regulations of community supervision. Parole officers shall be persons likely to exercise a strong and helpful influence upon persons placed under their supervision while retaining the goal of protecting society.3.
The commissioner, acting in cooperation with the civil service commission, shall establish standards, preliminary requisites and requisites to govern the selection and appointment of parole officers.4.
A parole or warrant officer, in performing or in attempting to perform an arrest pursuant to and in conformance with the provisions of article one hundred forty of the criminal procedure law, shall be deemed to have performed such actions, relating to such arrest, in the course of employment in the department for purposes of disability or death from any injuries arising therefrom. The provisions of this subdivision shall apply whether or not such parole or warrant officer was on duty for the department at the time of performing such actions or performed such actions outside of his or her regular or usual duties within the department.
Section 10 — Parole officers, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/COR/10
(updated Aug. 13, 2021; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).