N.Y. Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law Section 509-A
Capital acquisition fund


The corporation may create and establish a capital acquisition fund for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction or equipping of offices, facilities or premises of the corporation. Such capital acquisition fund shall consist of (i) the amounts specified pursuant to subdivision three-a of § 532 (Surcharge on off-track winnings)section five hundred thirty-two of this chapter; and


contributions from the corporation’s pari-mutuel wagering pools, subject to the following limitations:


no contribution shall exceed the amount of one percent of the total pari-mutuel wagering pools for the quarter in which the contribution is made;


no contribution shall reduce the amount of quarterly net revenues, exclusive of surcharge revenues, to an amount less than fifty percent of such net revenues; and


the balance of the fund shall not exceed the lesser of one percent of total pari-mutuel wagering pools for the previous twelve months or the undepreciated value of the corporation’s offices, facilities and premises.


a. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation to the contrary, from April nineteenth, two thousand twenty-one to March thirty-first, two thousand twenty-two, twenty-three percent of the funds, not to exceed two and one-half million dollars, in the Catskill off-track betting corporation’s capital acquisition fund and twenty-three percent of the funds, not to exceed four hundred forty thousand dollars, in the Capital off-track betting corporation’s capital acquisition fund established pursuant to this section shall also be available to such off-track betting corporation for the purposes of statutory obligations, payroll, and expenditures necessary to accept authorized wagers.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation to the contrary, from April first, two thousand twenty-two to March thirty-first, two thousand twenty-three, twenty-three percent of the funds, not to exceed two and one-half million dollars, in the Catskill off-track betting corporation’s capital acquisition fund established pursuant to this section, and twenty-three percent of the funds, not to exceed four hundred forty thousand dollars, in the Capital off-track betting corporation’s capital acquisition fund established pursuant to this section, shall be available to such off-track betting corporations for the purposes of statutory obligations, payroll, and expenditures necessary to accept authorized wagers.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation to the contrary, from April first, two thousand twenty-three to March thirty-first, two thousand twenty-four, twenty-three percent of the funds, not to exceed two and one-half million dollars, in the Catskill off-track betting corporation’s capital acquisition fund established pursuant to this section, and one million dollars in the Capital off-track betting corporation’s capital acquisition fund established pursuant to this section, shall be available to such off-track betting corporation for the purposes of expenditures necessary to accept authorized wagers; past due statutory obligations to New York licensed or franchised racing corporations or associations; past due contractual obligations due to other racing associations or organizations for the costs of acquiring a simulcast signal; past due statutory payment obligations due to the New York state thoroughbred breeding and development fund corporation, agriculture and New York state horse breeding development fund, and the Harry M. Zweig memorial fund for equine research; and past due obligations due the state.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation to the contrary, from April first, two thousand twenty-four to March thirty-first, two thousand twenty-five, twenty-three percent of the funds, not to exceed two and one-half million dollars, in the Catskill off-track betting corporation’s capital acquisition fund established pursuant to this section, and one million dollars in the Capital off-track betting corporation’s capital acquisition fund established pursuant to this section, shall be available to such off-track betting corporation for the purposes of expenditures necessary to accept authorized wagers; past due statutory obligations to New York licensed or franchised racing corporations or associations; past due contractual obligations due to other racing associations or organizations for the costs of acquiring a simulcast signal; past due statutory payment obligations due to the New York state thoroughbred breeding and development fund corporation, agriculture and New York state horse breeding development fund, and the Harry M. Zweig memorial fund for equine research; and past due obligations due the state.


Prior to a corporation being able to utilize the funds authorized by paragraph c or d of this subdivision, the corporation must attest that the surcharge monies from § 532 (Surcharge on off-track winnings)section five hundred thirty-two of this chapter are being held separate and apart from any amounts otherwise authorized to be retained from pari-mutuel pools and all surcharge monies have been and will continue to be paid to the localities as prescribed in law. Once this condition is satisfied, the corporation must submit an expenditure plan to the gaming commission for review. Such plan shall include the corporation’s outstanding liabilities, projected revenue for the upcoming year, a detailed explanation of how the funds will be used, and any other information necessary to detail such plan as determined by the commission. Upon review, the commission shall make a determination as to whether the requirements of this paragraph have been satisfied and notify the corporation of expenditure plan approval. In the event the commission determines the requirements of this paragraph have not been satisfied, the commission shall notify the corporation of all deficiencies necessary for approval. As a condition of such expenditure plan approval, the corporation shall provide a report to the commission no later than the last day of the calendar year for which the funds are requested, which shall include an accounting of the use of such funds. At such time, the commission may cause an independent audit to be conducted of the corporation’s books to ensure that all moneys were spent as indicated in such approved plan. The audit shall be paid for from money in the fund established by this section. If the audit determines that a corporation used the money authorized under this section for a purpose other than one listed in their expenditure plan, then the corporation shall reimburse the capital acquisition fund for the unauthorized amount.


The Catskill off-track betting corporation and the Capital off-track betting corporation shall make a report to the governor, speaker of the assembly, temporary president of the senate and the commission detailing the actual use of the funds made available in the capital acquisition fund. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, any impact on employment levels since utilizing the funds, the status of any statutory obligations, an accounting of the use of such funds, and any other information as deemed necessary by the commission. Such report shall be due no later than the last day of the fiscal year in which the monies were spent.

Source: Section 509-A — Capital acquisition fund, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/PML/509-A (updated May 3, 2024; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).

Mar. 1, 2025

Last modified:
May 3, 2024

§ 509-A’s source at nysenate​.gov

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