Short title 626
Legislative findings 627
Definitions 628
New York city public housing preservation trust 629
Powers and duties of the trust 630
Transfer of property 631
Resident protections and opportunities 632
Compliance with codes 633
Contracts of the trust 634
Alternative project delivery contracts 635
Additional authority 636
Additional requirements for alternative project delivery contracts 637
Borrowing by the trust and for its benefit 638
Resources of the trust 639
Legal investment and deposit 640
Tax exemption and tax contract by the state 641
Actions against the trust 642
Civil service and pension system membership 643
Collective negotiation 644
Application of state and local human rights laws 645
Limited liability 646
Audit and annual reports 647
Jurisdiction over trust 648
Effect of inconsistent provisions 649
Short title 626
Legislative findings 627
Definitions 628
New York city public housing preservation trust 629
Powers and duties of the trust 630
Transfer of property 631
Resident protections and opportunities 632
Compliance with codes 633
Contracts of the trust 634
Alternative project delivery contracts 635
Additional authority 636
Additional requirements for alternative project delivery contracts 637
Borrowing by the trust and for its benefit 638
Resources of the trust 639
Legal investment and deposit 640
Tax exemption and tax contract by the state 641
Actions against the trust 642
Civil service and pension system membership 643
Collective negotiation 644
Application of state and local human rights laws 645
Limited liability 646
Audit and annual reports 647
Jurisdiction over trust 648
Effect of inconsistent provisions 649