Not-for-Profit Corporation Law Section 1616
Delinquent property tax enforcement
The consideration to be paid may be more or less than the face amount of the tax liens sold.(b)
Property owners shall be given at least thirty days advance notice of such sale in the same form and manner as is provided by subdivision two of Real Property Tax Law § 1190 (Contracts for the sale of delinquent tax liens)section eleven hundred ninety of the real property tax law. Failure to provide such notice or the failure of the addressee to receive the same shall not in any way affect the validity of any sale of a tax lien or tax liens or the validity of the taxes or interest prescribed by law with respect thereto.(c)
The municipality shall set the terms and conditions of the contract of sale.(d)
The land bank must thirty days prior to the commencement of any foreclosure action provide to the municipality a list of liens to be foreclosed. The municipality may, at its sole option and discretion, repurchase a lien or liens on the foreclosure list from the land bank. The repurchase price shall be the amount of the lien or liens plus any accrued interest and collection fees incurred by the land bank. The land bank shall provide the foreclosure list to the municipality, along with the applicable repurchase price of each lien, by certified mail, and the municipality shall have thirty days from receipt to notify the land bank of its option to purchase one or more of the liens. If the municipality opts to purchase the lien, it shall provide payment within thirty days of receipt of the repurchase price of said lien or liens. If the municipality shall fail to opt to repurchase the lien or liens the land bank shall have the right to commence a foreclosure action immediately.(e)
The sale of a tax lien pursuant to this article shall not operate to shorten the otherwise applicable redemption period or change the otherwise applicable interest rate.(f)
Upon the expiration of the redemption period prescribed by law, the purchaser of a delinquent tax lien, or its successors or assigns, may foreclose the lien as in an action to foreclose a mortgage as provided in Real Property Tax Law § 1194 (Foreclosure of tax lien as in an action to foreclose a mortgage)section eleven hundred ninety-four of the real property tax law. The procedure in such action shall be the procedure prescribed by article thirteen of the real property actions and proceedings law for the foreclosure of mortgages. At any time following the commencement of an action to foreclose a lien, the amount required to redeem the lien, or the amount received upon sale of a property, shall include reasonable and necessary collection costs, attorneys’ fees, legal costs, allowances, and disbursements.(g)
The provisions of title five of article eleven of the real property tax law shall apply so far as is practicable to a contract for the sale of tax liens pursuant to this article.(h)
If the court orders a public sale pursuant to Real Property Tax Law § 1136 (Final judgment)section eleven hundred thirty-six of the real property tax law, and the purchaser of the property is the land bank, then the form, substance, and timing of the land bank’s payment of the sales price may be according to such agreement as is mutually acceptable to the plaintiff and the land bank. The obligation of the land bank to perform in accordance with such agreement shall be deemed to be in full satisfaction of the tax claim which was the basis for the judgment.(i)
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, in the event that no municipality elects to tender a bid at a public sale pursuant to the provisions of Real Property Tax Law § 1166 (Real property acquired by tax district)section eleven hundred sixty-six of the real property tax law or sale pursuant to the provisions of a county charter, city charter, administrative code, or special law when applicable under Real Property Tax Law § 1104 (Application of article)section eleven hundred four of the real property tax law, the land bank may tender a bid at such sale in an amount equal to the total amount of all municipal claims and liens which were the basis for the judgment. In the event of such tender by the land bank the property shall be deemed sold to the land bank regardless of any bids by any other third parties. The bid of the land bank shall be paid as to its form, substance, and timing according to such agreement as is mutually acceptable to the plaintiff and the land bank. The obligation of the land bank to perform in accordance with such agreement shall be deemed to be in full satisfaction of the municipal claim which was the basis for the judgment. The land bank, as purchaser at such public sale or sale pursuant to the provisions of a county charter, city charter, administrative code, or special law when applicable under Real Property Tax Law § 1104 (Application of article)section eleven hundred four of the real property tax law, shall take and forever thereafter have, an absolute title to the property sold, free and discharged of all tax and municipal claims, liens, mortgages, charges and estates of whatsoever kind. The deed to the land bank shall be executed, acknowledged and delivered within thirty days of the sale. Alternatively, the land bank can assign all rights resulting from the land bank’s successful tender for the property to the foreclosing governmental unit, which would allow the property to be deeded directly to the foreclosing governmental unit. All land bank acquisitions pursuant to this paragraph shall comply with § 1608 (Acquisition of property)section sixteen hundred eight of this article and all dispositions of property acquired pursuant to this paragraph shall comply with § 1609 (Disposition of property)section sixteen hundred nine of this article.
Section 1616 — Delinquent property tax enforcement, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/NPC/1616
(updated Oct. 7, 2016; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).