N.Y. Not-for-Profit Corporation Law Section 1607


A land bank shall constitute a charitable not-for-profit corporation under New York law, which powers shall include all powers necessary to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this article, including the following powers in addition to those herein otherwise granted:


adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business;


sue and be sued in its own name and plead and be impleaded in all civil actions, including, but not limited to, actions to clear title to property of the land bank;


to adopt a seal and to alter the same at pleasure;


to make contracts, give guarantees and incur liabilities, borrow money at such rates of interest as the land bank may determine;


to issue negotiable revenue bonds and notes according to the provisions of this article;


to procure insurance or guarantees from the state of New York or federal government of the payments of any debts or parts thereof incurred by the land bank, and to pay premiums in connection therewith;


to enter into contracts and other instruments necessary to the performance of its duties and the exercise of its powers, including, but not limited to, intergovernmental agreements under General Municipal Law § 119-O (Performance of municipal cooperative activities)section one hundred nineteen-o of the general municipal law for the joint exercise of powers under this article;


to enter into contracts and other instruments necessary to the performance of functions by the land bank on behalf of municipalities or agencies or departments of municipalities, or the performance by municipalities or agencies or departments of municipalities of functions on behalf of the land bank;


to make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary to the exercise of the powers of the land bank; and any contract or instrument when signed by the chairman or vice-chairman of the land bank, or by an authorized use of their facsimile signatures, and by the secretary or assistant secretary, or, treasurer or assistant treasurer of the land bank, or by an authorized use of their facsimile signatures, shall be held to have been properly executed for and on its behalf;


to procure insurance against losses in connection with the real property, assets, or activities of the land bank;


to invest money of the land bank, at the discretion of the board of directors, in instruments, obligations, securities, or property determined proper by the board of directors, and name and use depositories for its money;


to enter into contracts for the management of, the collection of rent from, or the sale of real property of the land bank;


to design, develop, construct, demolish, reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, relocate, and otherwise improve real property or rights or interests in real property;


to fix, charge, and collect rents, fees and charges for the use of real property of the land bank and for services provided by the land bank;


to grant or acquire a license, easement, lease (as lessor and as lessee), or option with respect to real property of the land bank;


to enter into partnership, joint ventures, and other collaborative relationships with municipalities and other public and private entities for the ownership, management, development, and disposition of real property;


to inventory vacant, abandoned and tax foreclosed properties;


to develop a redevelopment plan to be approved by the foreclosing governmental unit or units;


to be subject to municipal building codes and zoning laws;


to enter in agreements with a foreclosing governmental unit for the distribution of revenues to the foreclosing governmental unit and school district;


to organize a subsidiary for a project or projects which the land bank has the power to pursue under this article when the primary reason for which the subsidiary shall be organized shall be to limit the potential liability impact of the subsidiary’s project or projects on the land bank or because state or federal law requires that the purpose of a subsidiary be undertaken through a specific corporate or business structure. All real property of a subsidiary organized under this article shall be maintained on the inventory lists required in this article of the land bank of which it is a subsidiary and the subsidiary shall make all reports and other disclosures as are required of land banks under this article and as local public authorities, unless the subsidiary’s operations and finances are consolidated with those of the land bank of which it is a subsidiary. Subsidiaries organized under this article shall be established in the form of a New York charitable not-for-profit corporation or a New York single member limited liability company. Subsidiaries shall not have the authority to issue bonds, notes or other debts, provided, however, that such subsidiaries may issue notes or other debt to the land bank of which it is a subsidiary. The organizational documents filed to create a subsidiary under this article shall state that the land bank is organizing the subsidiary for the purposes set forth in this article and the name of the subsidiary shall be reasonably related to the name of the land bank of which it is a subsidiary. The real property of a subsidiary organized under this article and its income and operations are exempt from all taxation by the state of New York and by any of its political subdivisions; and


to do all other things necessary to achieve the objectives and purposes of the land bank or other laws that relate to the purposes and responsibility of the land bank.


A land bank shall neither possess nor exercise the power of eminent domain.

Source: Section 1607 — Powers, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/NPC/1607 (updated Oct. 7, 2016; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).

Mar. 1, 2025

Last modified:
Oct. 7, 2016

§ 1607’s source at nysenate​.gov

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