N.Y. General Municipal Law Section 190
Application for license


To conduct games of chance.


Each applicant for a license shall, after obtaining an identification number from the board, file with the clerk or department, a written application therefor in a form to be prescribed by the board, duly executed and verified, in which shall be stated:


the name and address of the applicant together with sufficient facts relating to its incorporation and organization to enable such clerk or department, as the case may be, to determine whether or not it is a bona fide authorized organization;


the names and addresses of its officers; the place or places where, the date or dates and the time or times when the applicant intends to conduct games under the license applied for;


the amount of rent to be paid or other consideration to be given directly or indirectly for each licensed period for use of the premises of an authorized games of chance lessor;


all other items of expense intended to be incurred or paid in connection with the holding, operating and conducting of such games of chance and the names and addresses of the persons to whom, and the purposes for which, they are to be paid;


the purposes to which the entire net proceeds of such games are to be devoted and in what manner; that no commission, salary, compensation, reward or recompense will be paid to any person for conducting such game or games or for assisting therein except as in this article otherwise provided; and such other information as shall be prescribed by such rules and regulations.


the name of each single type of game of chance to be conducted under the license applied for and the number of merchandise wheels and raffles, if any, to be operated.


In each application there shall be designated not less than four bona fide members of the applicant organization under whom the game or games of chance will be managed and to the application shall be appended a statement executed by the members so designated, that they will be responsible for the management of such games in accordance with the terms of the license, the rules and regulations of the board, this article and the applicable local laws or ordinances.


Authorized games of chance lessor: Each applicant for a license to lease premises to a licensed organization for the purposes of conducting games of chance therein shall file with the clerk or department, a written application therefor in a form to be prescribed by the board duly executed and verified, which shall set forth the name and address of the applicant; designation and address of the premises intended to be covered by the license sought; a statement that the applicant in all respects conforms with the specifications contained in the definition of “authorized organization” set forth in § 186 (Definitions)section one hundred eighty-six of this article; a statement of the lawful purposes to which the net proceeds from any rental are to be devoted by the applicant, and such other information as shall be prescribed by the board.


In counties outside the city of New York, municipalities may, pursuant to § 188 (Local laws and ordinances)section one hundred eighty-eight of this article, adopt an ordinance providing that an authorized organization having obtained an identification number from the board and having applied for no more than one license to conduct games of chance during the period not less than twelve nor more than eighteen months immediately preceding may file with the clerk or department a summary application in a form to be prescribed by the board duly executed and verified, containing the names and addresses of the applicant organization and its officers, the date, time and place or places where the applicant intends to conduct games under the license applied for, the purposes to which the entire net proceeds of such games are to be devoted and the information and statement required by paragraph (b) of subdivision one of this section in lieu of the application required under subdivision one of this section.


Notwithstanding and in lieu of the licensing requirements set forth in this article, an authorized organization defined in subdivision four of § 186 (Definitions)section one hundred eighty-six of this article may file a verified statement, for which no fee shall be required, with the clerk or department and the board attesting that such organization shall derive net proceeds or net profits from raffles in an amount less than thirty thousand dollars during one occasion or part thereof at which raffles are to be conducted. Such statement shall be on a single page form prescribed by the board and shall be deemed a license to conduct raffles:


under this article; and


within the municipalities in which the authorized organization are domiciled which have passed a local law, ordinance or resolution in accordance with sections one hundred eighty-seven and one hundred eighty-eight of this article approving the conduct of games of chance, and in municipalities which have passed a local law, ordinance or resolution in accordance with sections one hundred eighty-seven and one hundred eighty-eight of this article approving the conduct of games of chance that are located in the county in which the municipality issuing the license is located and in the counties which are contiguous to the county in which the municipality issuing the raffle license is located, provided those municipalities have authorized the licensee, in writing, to sell such raffle tickets therein. An organization that has filed a verified statement with the clerk or department and the board attesting that such organization shall derive net proceeds or net profits from raffles in an amount less than thirty thousand dollars during one occasion or part thereof that in fact derives net proceeds or net profits exceeding thirty thousand dollars during any one occasion or part thereof shall be required to obtain a license as required by this article and shall be subject to the provisions of § 195-F (Statement of receipts, expenses)section one hundred ninety-five-f of this article.

Source: Section 190 — Application for license, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/GMU/190 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 190’s source at nysenate​.gov

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