N.Y. Environmental Conservation Law Section 43-0117
Operation of ferries and certain other boats, barges and vessels restricted


No person, partnership, or corporation shall operate a ferry or other boat transporting motor vehicles on the waters of Lake George without first obtaining a permit for such operation from the Lake George park commission.


No person, partnership or corporation shall operate a night club, restaurant, dance hall or other place of amusement, or engage in the business of selling or offering for sale any kind of food or beverage on or from a boat, barge or vessel on the waters of Lake George without first obtaining a permit for such operation from the Lake George park commission. The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to any such operation in existence prior to January 1, 1963.


No person, partnership or corporation shall operate, propel or tow a boat, barge, vessel or other floating object used as, or as a vehicle for, an advertising sign or advertising structure or device on the waters of Lake George without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Lake George park commission.


In order to protect and preserve the water quality of Lake George, to provide reasonable public access to Lake George without overcrowding, congestion or safety hazards, and to protect the resources of Lake George, the commission shall, consistent with the purposes of this article, promulgate regulations relative to the permitting of boats, the registration and the regulation of docks, wharfs and moorings, the regulation of marinas, the limits of speed and sound on Lake George, the regulation of recreational activities such as regatta-type events, water skiing, parasailing and other similar activities, and the regulation of tour boats, boat rentals and other rental activities. Following the promulgation of such regulations:


no person shall construct any dock, wharf, mooring, marina or put any such structure to use without first obtaining a permit from the commission, and


no person shall operate any boat or vessel, or undertake any regulated activity without complying with such regulations and obtaining a permit from the commission, if required.


To effectuate the purposes enumerated in subdivision four of this section, pending adoption by the commission of rules and regulations relative to the registration and regulation of docks, wharfs, moorings, and marinas, the provisions of part 646 of Title VI of the codes, rules and regulations of the state of New York shall be continued; provided, however, that such regulations shall be administered by the commission.

Source: Section 43-0117 — Operation of ferries and certain other boats, barges and vessels restricted, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/ENV/43-0117 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Oct. 12, 2024).

Oct. 12, 2024

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 43-0117’s source at nysenate​.gov

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