Purpose 15‑1903
General provisions and definitions 15‑1905
Drainage improvement districts 15‑1907
Drainage improvement associations 15‑1909
Entry upon lands, structures and waters 15‑1911
Petition for formation of district 15‑1913
Proceedings on petition 15‑1915
Proceedings for formation of district 15‑1917
Surveys and maps 15‑1919
Drainage enhancements 15‑1921
Proceedings on enhancements 15‑1923
Plans and estimates 15‑1925
General apportionment of cost 15‑1927
Proceedings on general apportionment of costs and final fixation of boundaries 15‑1929
Corrections and revisions of statements of enhancements 15‑1931
Procedure for authorization of construction 15‑1933
Construction 15‑1935
Contracts 15‑1937
Operation and maintenance 15‑1939
Special apportionment of cost 15‑1941
Major repairs of drainage works 15‑1943
Minor repairs in drainage districts 15‑1945
Minor repairs in existing drainage ditches 15‑1947
Unlawful interference with drainage works 15‑1949
Removal of beaver 15‑1951
Financing of improvements 15‑1953
Drainage improvement district fund 15‑1955
Proceedings for assessment and collection of cost 15‑1957
Drainage fund 15‑1959
Corrections and revisions of assessments, determinations of drainage enhancements and apportionment of costs 15‑1961
Drainage district with federal aid 15‑1963
Formation of district with federal aid 15‑1965
Construction project 15‑1967
Changes in project 15‑1969
Continuation of district 15‑1971
Transfer of property and discontinuance of district 15‑1973
Drainage section association 15‑1975
Drainage section association 15‑1977
Articles of association 15‑1979
First annual meeting 15‑1981
Powers of association 15‑1983
Drainage of agricultural lands
Purpose 15‑1903
General provisions and definitions 15‑1905
Drainage improvement districts 15‑1907
Drainage improvement associations 15‑1909
Entry upon lands, structures and waters 15‑1911
Petition for formation of district 15‑1913
Proceedings on petition 15‑1915
Proceedings for formation of district 15‑1917
Surveys and maps 15‑1919
Drainage enhancements 15‑1921
Proceedings on enhancements 15‑1923
Plans and estimates 15‑1925
General apportionment of cost 15‑1927
Proceedings on general apportionment of costs and final fixation of boundaries 15‑1929
Corrections and revisions of statements of enhancements 15‑1931
Procedure for authorization of construction 15‑1933
Construction 15‑1935
Contracts 15‑1937
Operation and maintenance 15‑1939
Special apportionment of cost 15‑1941
Major repairs of drainage works 15‑1943
Minor repairs in drainage districts 15‑1945
Minor repairs in existing drainage ditches 15‑1947
Unlawful interference with drainage works 15‑1949
Removal of beaver 15‑1951
Financing of improvements 15‑1953
Drainage improvement district fund 15‑1955
Proceedings for assessment and collection of cost 15‑1957
Drainage fund 15‑1959
Corrections and revisions of assessments, determinations of drainage enhancements and apportionment of costs 15‑1961
Drainage district with federal aid 15‑1963
Formation of district with federal aid 15‑1965
Construction project 15‑1967
Changes in project 15‑1969
Continuation of district 15‑1971
Transfer of property and discontinuance of district 15‑1973
Drainage section association 15‑1975
Drainage section association 15‑1977
Articles of association 15‑1979
First annual meeting 15‑1981
Powers of association 15‑1983
Drainage of agricultural lands