Education Law Section 3034
Teacher career recruitment clearinghouse
The department, in consultation with representatives of teacher organizations, boards of education, school administrators, institutions of higher education and the armed forces of the United States, shall establish a teacher career recruitment clearinghouse to recruit qualified teachers and personnel who provide pedagogical services, as defined in regulations by the commissioner.2.
The teacher career recruitment clearinghouse shall:(a)
Collect and disseminate information to individuals, public and nonpublic schools, institutions of higher education, and state and federal military facilities on career opportunities in teaching and related education professions. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, information regarding financial assistance for students interested in careers in education, employment opportunities in education, and information about certification or licensure requirements.(b)
Promote clearinghouse activities, to the extent possible, in newspapers, state and national professional publications including state and federal military publications and at institutions of higher education which confer degrees in education.(c)
Establish to the extent possible, an applicant data base and provide access to such data base by public and nonpublic schools.(d)
Establish to the extent possible a data base of available public and nonpublic school employment opportunities for access by individuals.
Section 3034 — Teacher career recruitment clearinghouse, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/EDN/3034
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Feb. 15, 2025).