Alternative County Government Law Section 501
Parks, playgrounds and recreation centers
The county is hereby authorized to accept by gift and to acquire by purchase, condemnation, lease or permit, and to own, construct, operate, maintain and repair anywhere within the county outside of cities, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and recreation centers, together with necessary buildings, structures, equipment and appurtenances, including, but without limitation, public baths, swimming pools and auditoriums, and to make the cost thereof a county charge. The county may contract with any town or village for the operation by the county or by such town or village of any park, playground, athletic field or recreation center located within such town or village, whether owned by the county or by such town or village, and make the cost thereof a county charge.2.
The board of supervisors shall have power by county act to regulate the use of and to establish a schedule of charges for the use of such parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation centers and facilities therein and may prescribe reasonable penalties for violations of its rules and regulations. The board of supervisors may authorize the operation, granting and sale of concessions by the commission or others in or in connection with any such park, playground, athletic field or recreation center. All moneys received by the commission shall belong to the county and shall be paid into the county treasury monthly on or before the tenth day of the month. The board of supervisors, upon determination by county act that any playground, athletic field or recreation center, or part thereof, or facility therein, is no longer required for public use, may authorize the commission to sell or lease the same under rules and regulations to be prescribed by local law.
Section 501 — Parks, playgrounds and recreation centers, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/ACG/501
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).