Authority to enter into agreements 405‑A
Application of article 405‑B
Administration of agreement 405‑C
Fees 405‑D
Registration period 405‑E
Effect of issuance 405‑F
Disposition of fees 405‑G
Refunds 405‑H
Effect on reciprocal recognition of registrations and other reciprocity or proration agreements 405‑I
Regulatory authority
Authority to enter into agreements 405‑A
Application of article 405‑B
Administration of agreement 405‑C
Fees 405‑D
Registration period 405‑E
Effect of issuance 405‑F
Disposition of fees 405‑G
Refunds 405‑H
Effect on reciprocal recognition of registrations and other reciprocity or proration agreements 405‑I
Regulatory authority