N.Y. State Law Section 30
Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon, with reservations of concurrent jurisdiction and right to serve process

The United States has been authorized to acquire the following tracts or parcels of land, and jurisdiction thereof has been ceded to the United States upon such acquisition, on condition that the state of New York should retain a concurrent jurisdiction with the United States over such tracts of land in the execution of civil process in all cases, and of such criminal process as might be issued under the authority of the state of New York against any person charged with crime committed within or without such tracts of land, and that the jurisdiction of the United States shall continue so long only as the lands shall be used for the purposes of cession.


At Watervliet, Albany county. A tract of land in the town of Watervliet, Albany county, described as follows: Beginning at a stone set in the ground, marked US. No. 2, standing at the south side of the Shaker road, and running thence from the said stone along the said road N. 72Á E., 16 chains and 24 links, to a stone in the ground, marked U.S. No. 6; thence S. 22Á W., 10 chains 76 links, to a stone in the ground, marked U.S. No. 7, thence N. 68Á W., 12 chains 81 links, to the place of beginning, containing 6 acres and .89 of an acre. Also over all that other certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying in and being in the town of Watervliet, in the county of Albany, aforesaid, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone set in the ground, marked U.S. No. 4, and running thence N. 22Á E., 6 chains and 34 links, to a stone in the ground, marked U. S. No. 3, standing at the south side of the Shaker road; thence S. 72Á W., 16 chains and 24 links, to a stake (a stone in the ground marked U.S. No. 8), on the north side of the old Schenectady road; thence along the said road southeasterly 22 chains and 59 links, to the westerly corner of the burial ground; then along the outside thereof N. 57Á 45’ E., 3 chains and 29 links, to the most northerly corner of the said burial ground; thence S. 32Á 15’ E., 3 chains and 29 links, to the most easterly corner of the said burying ground; thence S. 69Á E., 1 chain 44 links, to a stake (a stone in the ground marked U.S. No. 9); thence S. 79Á 15’ E., 12 chains 80 links, to a stone in the ground marked U.S. No. 10, on the west side of the Erie canal; thence along the canal N. 10Á E., 9 chains and 93 links, to the south line of the land belonging to the people of the United States (designated by a stone in the ground, marked U.S. No. 11); thence along the said line N. 68Á W., 24 chains 50 links, to the place of beginning, containing 38 acres and 7/10 of an acre; but always excepting and reserving out of the lands above described one rod in width along the west side of the Erie canal, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining thereon arsenals, magazines and other necessary buildings.


At Watervliet, Albany county. A tract of land in the village of West Troy, town of Watervliet, Albany county, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the east bank of the Erie canal at the southwest corner of the United States arsenal grounds, and extending thence easterly along the said arsenal grounds to River street; thence southerly along the west line of said River street thirty feet; thence westerly on a line parallel with the said north line, to the west side of the alley next west of said River street; thence southerly along the west side of said alley to a point distant from the said north boundary line 293 feet and 6 inches; thence westerly on a line parallel with the said north boundary line, about 258 feet to the east bank of the Erie canal; thence northerly along the said east bank of said canal 300 feet, to the place of beginning, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining thereon arsenals, magazines and other necessary buildings, and of using the grounds in connection with the arsenal buildings already erected prior to the acquisition thereof.


In the city of Buffalo. A tract of land in the city of Buffalo, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly margin of the Big Buffalo creek, at the southeast corner of lot No. 50 in the city of Buffalo, thence S. 45Á and 30" W., 1,000 feet to Lake Erie; thence at right angles northerly and along the shore of Lake Erie, 200 feet; thence northerly on a line 200 feet from and parallel to the first mentioned line, 1,000 feet to the southerly margin of the Big Buffalo creek; and thence southerly at right angles and along the margin of said creek, 200 feet to the place of beginning; together with such other lands adjoining thereto, and in connection therewith and the waters of Lake Erie as shall be necessary for the purpose of excavating and maintaining a canal or channel to be used as a public highway, and connecting Lake Erie with said creek, and for the purpose of erecting and maintaining the necessary piers to protect the said canal or channel and a light-house at or near the mouth thereof.


In the city of Buffalo. A tract or tracts of land situate in the city of Buffalo, and the town of Black Rock, Erie county; for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a sea wall connecting with the pier on the south side of the Big Buffalo creek, belonging to the United States on January 1, 1850, and extending southerly therefrom along the shore of Lake Erie to the northerly side of the canal or channel connecting Lake Erie with Big Buffalo creek, and from the southerly side of such channel to Four Mile point.

Source: Section 30 — Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon, with reservations of concurrent jurisdiction and right to serve process, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/STL/30 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).

Cession without reservation
Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon without reservation
Cession with reservation of right to serve process
Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon, with reservation of right to serve process
Cession during ownership by the United States, with reservation of right to serve process
Authorization of acquisition, and cession of jurisdiction thereupon during ownership by the United States, with reservation of right to s...
Cession during ownership by the United States and use for public purposes, with reservation of right to serve process
Authorization of acquisition by the United States, and cession of jurisdiction thereupon during ownership by the United States and use fo...
Cession during use for purposes thereof, with reservation of right to serve process
Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon, during use for purposes thereof, with reservation of right to serve p...
Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon, with reservations of concurrent jurisdiction and right to serve process
Cession during ownership by the United States and use for purposes thereof, with sundry reservations
Cession during use for purposes thereof, with sundry reservations
Cession with sundry reservations
Cession during use for purposes thereof, with sundry reservations
Cession of jurisdiction to lands acquired for light-house purposes
Acquisition by condemnation
Saving clause
Relinquishment of legislative jurisdiction by the United States of America to this state

Mar. 1, 2025

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 30’s source at nysenate​.gov

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