State Law Section 21
Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon without reservation
On the Long Island coast. Certain tracts of land on the Long Island coast, each tract not exceeding one-half acre in area, for building sites for life saving stations.2.
Priming Hook, Columbia county. A tract of land one-half acre in area at Prymon’s Hook, otherwise called Priming Hook point, Columbia county, for a site for a beacon light.3.
Calver’s plat, Columbia and Rensselaer counties. A tract or parcel of land consisting of one acre of the south point of the island known as Calvers plat. Said island lies in the Hudson river, part in the county of Columbia, and part in the county of Rensselaer, and in the town of Schodack; the said acre conveyed under this title is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake and stones at the south point of said Calvers plat, and runs north to stake and stones at a point on the west side of said island, 6 chains; thence S.85.
5Á E., 3 chains to high-water mark, to the water’s edge on the east shore of said island; then S.12.
25Á W., 3 chains and 11 links to a point on the shore; thence S.73.
75Á W., 1 chain and 75 links to a point on the shore; thence S.35.
5Á W., 2 chains and 30 links to the place of beginning at the south point of said island, for the construction and maintenance of a light-house, beacons and keepers’ dwellings.4.
Near Mull’s plat, Rensselaer county. A tract or parcel of land lying in the Hudson river, in the county of Rensselaer, and state of New York, lying north of a line running S. 76Á 45’ E., and more particularly described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a stake set up at the west side of an island known as Mull’s plat, on a course of S. 76Á 45’ E. from the northeast corner of Barrent Ten Eyck’s brick house, now occupied by Thomas C. Houghtailing, and runs from the said stake along a line of marked trees standing on the north point of an island known as Parcey’s island, and now in the possession of the parties of the first part, and then runs from the aforesaid stake S. 76Á 45’ E., 6 chains and 60 links to the water’s edge on the east side of the aforesaid island; then northerly along the water’s edge and east side thereof, to the north point of the aforesaid island; then southerly along the water’s edge and west side to the place of beginning, containing an acre of land, be the same more or less, for the construction and maintenance of a light-house, beacons and keepers’ dwellings.5.
Poplar island, Rensselaer county. A tract or parcel of land in the town of Schodack, county of Rensselaer, and on the north end of an island known by the name of Poplar island, bounded and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a stake set upon the west shore of the aforesaid island, and on a course of S. 78Á 30’ E. from the northeast corner of William O. Lawton’s brick store, and runs thence from the said stake, N. 78Á 30’ E., 3 chains and 60 links to a stake on the east side of said island; then along the east side thereof, N. 9Á W., 3 chains and 59 links, to a point on the north end of the aforesaid island; then S. 80Á W., 2 chains, to a point on the north and west shore of said island; then along the west shore thereof, S. 14Á 15’ W., 4 chains and 4 links, to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land be the same more or less, for the construction and maintenance of a light-house, beacons and keepers’ dwellings.6.
Water supply at West Point. Such tracts of lands, lands under water, rights of way and easements, at or near the United States military post at West Point, as have been acquired or may be required for the purpose of increasing the water supply of such post, the commanding officer of said post being authorized to enter upon any lands to make surveys thereof for such purpose.7.
Land in the city of Buffalo. Such lands now owned by the state under the waters of Niagara river or in the vicinity of said river in the city of Buffalo, including such lands as are now used for canal purposes in the city of Buffalo and as may be deemed abandoned by the department of transportation, as may be required by the United States in the construction of a ship canal from Lake Erie to the foot of Unity island in the city of Buffalo.8.
Sacketts Harbor. In the village of Sacketts Harbor or town of Hounsfield, county of Jefferson, to carry water through pipes from the waters of Lake Ontario and Henderson bay to Madison barracks, for the water supply at that point of the military post of the United States, and to acquire the title of lands necessary for that purpose, or the right of way only. And the state of New York hereby cedes to the United States the right to lay such pipes under and along the highways of said state, provided the same are restored to as good condition as the same were in before such pipes were laid, and to enter upon said highway and keep the said pipes in repair, upon the same condition, and hereby concedes jurisdiction to the said United States over the lands and franchises which the United States has acquired for the purpose of such water supply, or may acquire.
Section 21 — Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon without reservation, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/STL/21
(updated Jul. 8, 2022; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).