Commissioner and deputy commissioner of public works 91
Powers and duties of commissioner 92
Repair of sidewalks 93
Performance of public work to be certified 94
Water works 95
Collection of water rents 96
Superintendent of parks 97
City engineer 98
Duties of city engineer 99
Alteration of grades and names of streets 100
Apportionment of city’s expense of improvements 101
Discontinuance of streets 102
Streets by prescription 103
Acquisition of lands
Commissioner and deputy commissioner of public works 91
Powers and duties of commissioner 92
Repair of sidewalks 93
Performance of public work to be certified 94
Water works 95
Collection of water rents 96
Superintendent of parks 97
City engineer 98
Duties of city engineer 99
Alteration of grades and names of streets 100
Apportionment of city’s expense of improvements 101
Discontinuance of streets 102
Streets by prescription 103
Acquisition of lands