N.Y. Public Health Law Section 3390
Revocation of licenses and certificates of approval

Any license or certificate of approval granted pursuant to this article may be revoked by the commissioner in whole or in part upon a finding that the licensee or certificate holder has:


falsified any application, report, or record required by this article;


wilfully failed to furnish the department with timely reports or information required to be filed with the department;


been convicted of an offense in any jurisdiction relating to any substance listed in this article as a controlled substance;


wilfully or negligently failed to comply with any of the provisions of the federal controlled substances act, this article, or the regulations promulgated thereunder;


failed to maintain effective control against diversion of controlled substances; or


wilfully and unreasonably refused to permit an inspection authorized by this article.

Source: Section 3390 — Revocation of licenses and certificates of approval, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/PBH/3390 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Sep. 14, 2024).

Sep. 14, 2024

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 3390’s source at nysenate​.gov

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