Environmental Conservation Law Section 27-2303
Regulation of vehicle dismantling facilities
An annual report shall be submitted to the department, to be included on the department’s website, including, but not be limited to, the following:(a)
the number of end of life vehicles received at the facility;(b)
the number of end of life vehicles crushed and removed from the facility;(c)
the number of end of life vehicles stored at the facility at the end of the reporting year;(d)
the approximate area at the facility used for storage of end of life vehicles;(e)
the quantities of waste vehicle fluids extracted from end of life vehicles received and their disposition, including the quantity sold, used on-site, stored on-site, and disposed; and(f)
the number and if applicable nature of any violation of all applicable rules and regulations of the state.2.
All fluid draining, removal, and collection activities shall be conducted on asphalt or concrete surface or other surface that allows equivalent protections to surface and groundwater. Such surfaces shall be cleaned daily, or more frequently when spillage has occurred, using absorbent materials that are collected and properly disposed of.3.
All fluids shall be completely drained, removed, collected, and stored for appropriate use, treatment or disposal.4.
End of life vehicles arriving at the facility shall be inspected upon arrival for leaking fluids and unauthorized waste. Leaks should be remedied or contained to avoid releases of fluids to the environment.5.
Prior to vehicle crushing or shredding, the following potential environmental contaminants shall be drained, removed, deployed, collected and/or stored, as appropriate and in accordance with best management practices:(a)
fluids including engine oil, transmission fluid, transaxle fluid, front and rear axle fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, coolant, and fuel;(b)
lead acid batteries;(c)
small PCB capacitors, mercury switches or other mercury containing devices;(d)
refrigerants used in automobile air conditioning systems; and(e)
air bags are deployed or removed.6.
Fluids shall be contained in an appropriate container for the specific waste vehicle fluid. Fluids that are stored shall be placed in closed containers. The containers shall be in good condition. The containers shall be clearly and legibly marked as to contents. Containers shall be stored on a bermed asphalt or concrete surface or surface that allows equivalent protection to groundwater.7.
Lead acid batteries shall not be stored on the ground. All lead acid batteries shall be covered by a tarp or other means in a manner that severely restricts water from coming into contact with the lead acid battery. Leaking batteries shall be stored in a leakproof container separately from intact lead acid batteries and provisions shall be in place to absorb any leakage.8.
Small PCB capacitors, mercury switches and other mercury containing devices shall be stored in an appropriate labeled container for recycling or disposal.9.
No more than one thousand waste tires off vehicles shall be stored at the facility at any one time unless a permit is obtained pursuant to this title.10.
Fluids shall not be intentionally released on the ground or to surface water.11.
Ensure the safe storage of automobiles at such facilities, including the regulation of stacking automobiles.12.
Access to and use of facility shall be continuously controlled by fencing, gates, signs, or natural barriers.13.
Vegetation shall be controlled to prevent encroachment into fire access lanes or driveways at the facility and to decrease the potential of fire.14.
Ensure the safe handling, processing and storage of any residues, including, but not limited to, product left over after an automobile is crushed and parts have been extracted, in such a manner as to prevent off-site migration or run-off.15.
Dust shall be effectively controlled so to not constitute a nuisance or hazard to health, safety, or property.16.
The facility shall be maintained so as to prevent or control on-site populations of vectors using techniques appropriate for protection of human health and the environment and prevent the facility from being a vector breeding area.17.
The facility shall have a contingency plan which includes a description of the actions to be taken by facility employees in the event of a fire, a spill or release of vehicle waste fluids, or unauthorized material is received at the facility.18.
Upon the receipt of an end of life vehicle, the date that it is received shall be recorded and maintained on-site. * NB There are 2 § 27-2303’s
Section 27-2303 — Regulation of vehicle dismantling facilities, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/ENV/27-2303
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Feb. 15, 2025).