Education Law Section 6821
Poison schedules
- register
The following schedules shall remain in force until revised by the board and approved by the department. Schedule A. Arsenic, atropine, corrosive sublimate, potassium cyanide, chloral hydrate, hydrocyanic acid, strychnine and all other poisonous vegetable alkaloids and their salts and oil of bitter almond containing hydrocyanic acid. Schedule B. Aconite, belladonna, cantharides, colchicum, conium cotton root, digitalis, ergot, hellebore, henbane, phytolacca, strophanthus, oil of savin, oil of tansy, veratrum viride and their pharmaceutical preparations, arsenical solutions, carbolic acid, chloroform, creosote, croton oil, white precipitate, methyl or wood alcohol, mineral acids, oxalic acid, paris green, salts of lead, salts of zinc, or any drug, chemical or preparation which is liable to be destructive to adult human life in quantities of sixty grains or less.2.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell at retail or to furnish any of the poisons of schedules A and B without affixing or causing to be affixed to the bottle, box, vessel or package, a label with the name of the article and the word “poison” distinctly shown and with the name and place of business of the seller all printed in red ink together with the name of such poisons printed or written thereupon in plain, legible characters.3.
Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in drugs, medicines, pharmaceutical preparations, chemicals or poisons shall affix or cause to be affixed to every bottle, box, parcel or outer inclosure of any original package containing any of the articles of schedule A a suitable label or brand in red ink with the word “poison” upon it.4.
Every person who disposes of or sells at retail or furnishes any poisons included in schedule A shall before delivering the same enter in a book kept for that purpose the date of sale, the name and address of the purchaser, the name and the quantity of the poison, the purpose for which it is purchased and the name of the dispenser. The poison register must be always open for inspection by the proper authorities and must be preserved for at least five years after the last entry. Such person shall not deliver any of the poisons of schedule A or schedule B until he has satisfied himself that the purchaser is aware of its poisonous character and that the poison is to be used for a legitimate purpose. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to the dispensing of drugs or poisons on a doctor’s prescription.5.
The board may add to or may delete from any of the schedules from time to time as such action becomes necessary for the protection of the public.
Section 6821 — Poison schedules; register, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/EDN/6821
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Jan. 18, 2025).