N.Y. County Law Section 330
Routing of wireless 911 service calls


(a) Counties may designate more than one local public safety answering point to receive wireless 911 service calls if:


the wireless telephone service suppliers licensed by the federal communications commission to serve the county unanimously agree in writing with such county to more than one local public safety answering point for the county and such local public safety answering points are in compliance with the applicable requirements of this article; or


wireless 911 calls handled by wireless telecommunications facilities in such county were routed to more than one local public safety answering point on the effective date of this section; and: (A) the designation of and routing to more than one local public safety answering point involves no additional routing of wireless 911 service calls to more than one local public safety answering point than was in effect on the effective date of this section and involves routing to the same local public safety answering points that received wireless 911 calls on the effective date of this section; and (B) the multiple local public safety answering points designated by a county pursuant to this subdivision are in compliance with the applicable requirements of this article.


A county that is served exclusively by a state public safety answering point after the effective date of this section may elect to designate a local public safety answering point to receive all wireless 911 calls from wireless telephone service suppliers that own, operate or control wireless telecommunications facilities located in such county. Such county shall make such designation pursuant to a duly adopted resolution of the county governing board. Such resolution shall also state that such local wireless public safety answering point complies with the standards promulgated by the board pursuant to subdivision four of § 328 (Powers and duties of the board)section three hundred twenty-eight of this article. The county shall also submit to the board the ten-digit telephone number to which the wireless telephone service suppliers with wireless telecommunications facilities located in such geographical area shall route wireless 911 service calls. Upon the filing of such resolution, the board shall authorize the routing of wireless 911 calls to a local public safety answering point and shall notify all wireless telephone service suppliers which are licensed by the federal communications commission in such county of such designation and the ten-digit telephone number to which the wireless telephone service suppliers with wireless telecommunications facilities located in such geographical area shall route wireless 911 service calls. The board shall also notify the superintendent of state police of such designation when, at the time of such designation, a state public safety answering point was receiving all wireless 911 service calls.


Until such time as the standards required by subdivision four of § 328 (Powers and duties of the board)section three hundred twenty-eight of this article have been promulgated by the board, each county that elects, pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision, to re-route all wireless 911 service calls to a local public safety answering point must, in addition to the items required to be filed pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision, file a service plan with the chairperson of the board. The service plan shall, at a minimum, include the following: a statement that the local public safety answering point is capable of direct dispatch of all emergency services; the names of all wireless telephone service suppliers licensed by federal communications commission that own, operate or control wireless telecommunications facilities located in such county; the ten-digit telephone number to which the wireless telephone service suppliers with wireless telecommunications facilities located in such county shall route wireless 911 calls; an analysis of projected call volume; a statement of staff education and training; an analysis of the applying local public safety answering point’s technical, personnel and other resources; and an analysis of the applying local public safety answering point’s capacity to receive and dispatch wireless 911 calls effectively. Where questions of jurisdiction may arise, the county shall also be required to submit a detailed statement outlining the jurisdictional protocols among law enforcement agencies which have been established. Where a period of sixty days or more has lapsed since the county has proposed a jurisdictional protocol to the appropriate state police troop commander and no final determination has been rendered, the county may request that the superintendent of state police review such protocols and render such determinations as may be appropriate. The board shall transmit a copy of such service plan to the superintendent of the division of state police and all wireless telephone service suppliers that are licensed by the federal communications commission in such county. In the absence of the filing of a service plan, the state public safety answering point shall receive all wireless 911 calls.


A local government may elect to terminate the routing of all wireless 911 service calls to a local public safety answering point for such locality in accordance with procedures to be promulgated by the board.


Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, where a local public safety answering point is receiving wireless 911 service calls on the effective date of this section, the local government shall not be required to file a service plan pursuant to this subdivision, nor shall such local government be required to file a designation of such local wireless public safety answering point pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision.


(a) Upon receipt of notification from the board of the designation of a local public safety answering point, as provided in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of this section, or upon notification of the filing of a service plan, as provided in paragraph (c) of subdivision one of this section, a wireless telephone service supplier with one or more wireless telecommunications facilities located in such county shall route all wireless 911 calls handled by wireless telecommunications facilities in the designating county to such local public safety answering point.


Where more than one local public safety answering point has been designated to receive wireless 911 calls, a wireless telephone service supplier with one or more wireless telecommunications facilities located in such county shall route wireless 911 calls handled by wireless telecommunications facilities in the designating county to such local public safety answering points in accordance with the agreement between the county and the wireless telephone service supplier.


Within ninety days of receiving notice from the board of the designation of a local public safety answering point, any wireless telephone service suppliers that are not required by law to provide the designated local public safety answering point with enhanced wireless 911 service shall route all basic wireless 911 calls to the local public safety answering point.


For wireless telephone service suppliers that are required to provide the designated local public safety answering point with enhanced wireless 911 service, the wireless telephone service supplier shall route all enhanced wireless 911 calls to the designated local public safety answering point within the time frames and requirements of the FCC order to initially provide such enhanced wireless 911 service.


In a county where there is no requirement to route a wireless 911 call to a designated local public safety answering point, the wireless telephone service suppliers shall route all such calls transmitted or received by wireless telecommunications facilities in that county to the state public safety answering point.

Source: Section 330 — Routing of wireless 911 service calls, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/CNT/330 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Oct. 12, 2024).

Oct. 12, 2024

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 330’s source at nysenate​.gov

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