N.Y. Civil Practice Law & Rules Section 3016
Particularity in specific actions


Libel or slander. In an action for libel or slander, the particular words complained of shall be set forth in the complaint, but their application to the plaintiff may be stated generally.


Fraud or mistake. Where a cause of action or defense is based upon misrepresentation, fraud, mistake, wilful default, breach of trust or undue influence, the circumstances constituting the wrong shall be stated in detail.


Separation or divorce. In an action for separation or divorce, the nature and circumstances of a party’s alleged misconduct, if any, and the time and place of each act complained of, if any, shall be specified in the complaint or counterclaim as the case may be.


Judgment. In an action on a judgment, the complaint shall state the extent to which any judgment recovered by the plaintiff against the defendant, or against a person jointly liable with the defendant, on the same cause of action has been satisfied.


Law of foreign country. Where a cause of action or defense is based upon the law of a foreign country or its political subdivision, the substance of the foreign law relied upon shall be stated.


Sale and delivery of goods or performing of labor or services. In an action involving the sale and delivery of goods, or the performing of labor or services, or the furnishing of materials, the plaintiff may set forth and number in his verified complaint the items of his claim and the reasonable value or agreed price of each. Thereupon the defendant by his verified answer shall indicate specifically those items he disputes and whether in respect of delivery or performance, reasonable value or agreed price.


Personal injury. In an action designated in subsection (a) of Insurance Law § 5104 (Causes of action for personal injury)section five thousand one hundred four of the insurance law, for personal injuries arising out of negligence in the use or operation of a motor vehicle in this state, the complaint shall state that the plaintiff has sustained a serious injury, as defined in subsection (d) of Insurance Law § 5102 (Definitions)section five thousand one hundred two of the insurance law, or economic loss greater than basic economic loss, as defined in subsection (a) of Insurance Law § 5102 (Definitions)section five thousand one hundred two of the insurance law.


Gross negligence or intentional infliction of harm by certain directors, officers or trustees of certain corporations, associations, organizations or trusts. In an action or proceeding based upon the conduct of a director, officer or trustee described in section seven hundred twenty-a of the not-for-profit corporation law or subdivision six of section 20.09 of the arts and cultural affairs law, the complaint shall be verified and shall state whether or not said complaint is based upon gross negligence or intentional infliction of harm.


Privacy of name in certain legal challenges to college/university disciplinary findings. In any proceeding brought against a college or university that is chartered by the regents or incorporated by special act of the legislature, which proceeding seeks to vacate or modify a finding that a student was responsible for a violation of college or university rules regarding a violation covered by article one hundred twenty-nine-B of the education law, the name and identifying biographical information of any student shall be presumptively confidential and shall not be included in the pleadings and other papers from such proceeding absent a waiver or cause shown as determined by the court. Such witnesses shall be identified only as numbered witnesses. If such a name or identifying biographical information appears in a pleading or paper filed in such a proceeding, the court, absent such a waiver or cause shown, shall direct the clerk of the court to redact such name and identifying biographical information and so advise the parties.


Consumer credit transactions. In an action arising out of a consumer credit transaction where a purchaser, borrower or debtor is a defendant, the contract or other written instrument on which the action is based shall be attached to the complaint, however, for the purposes of this section, if the account was a revolving credit account, the charge-off statement may be attached to the complaint instead of the contract or other written instrument, and the following information shall be set forth in the complaint:


The name of the original creditor;


The last four digits of the account number printed on the most recent monthly statement recording a purchase transaction, last payment or balance transfer;


The date and amount of the last payment or, if no payment was made, a statement that the purchaser, borrower or debtor made no payment on the account;


If the complaint contains a cause of action based on an account stated, the date on or about which the final statement of account was provided to the defendant;


(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, an itemization of the amount sought, by (i) principal;


finance charge or charges;


fees imposed by the original creditor;


collection costs;


attorney’s fees;


interest; and


any other fees and charges. (B) If the account was a revolving credit account, an itemization of the amount sought, by:


the total amount of the debt due as of charge-off;


the total amount of interest accrued since charge-off;


the total amount of non-interest charges or fees accrued since charge-off; and


the total amount of payments and/or credits made on the debt since charge-off;


The account balance printed on the most recent monthly statement recording a purchase transaction, last payment or balance transfer;


(A) Whether the plaintiff is the original creditor. (B) If the plaintiff is not the original creditor, the complaint shall also state (i) the date on which the debt was sold or assigned to the plaintiff;


the name of each previous owner of the account from the original creditor to the plaintiff and the date on which the debt was assigned to that owner by the original creditor or subsequent owner; and


the amount due at the time of the sale or assignment of the debt by the original creditor; and


Any matters required to be stated with particularity pursuant to rule 3015 of this article.

Source: Section 3016 — Particularity in specific actions, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/CVP/3016 (updated May 13, 2022; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
May 13, 2022

§ 3016’s source at nysenate​.gov

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