Alternative County Government Law Section 4
“County”. Any county other than a county within the city of New York.2.
“County executive”. A county administrator, county manager, county director or county president.3.
“County administrator form”. The form of county government prescribed by § 50 (County administrator form)section fifty of this chapter.4.
“County manager form”. The form of county government prescribed by § 51 (County manager form)section fifty-one of this chapter.5.
“County director form”. The form of county government prescribed by § 52 (County director form)section fifty-two of this chapter.6.
“County president form”. The form of county government prescribed by § 53 (County president form)section fifty-three of this chapter.7.
“Unit of local government”. A city, town or village within the county.8.
“Population”. The population shown by the last completed federal census.9.
“Administrative unit”. An office, department, division, bureau, board or commission, or any other agency of county government.10.
“Spending agency”. Any administrative unit of the county or office which expends or incurs obligations for the expenditure of county money.11.
“Auditing authority”. The county comptroller, except that with respect to the county administrator form, it shall mean the county auditor.12.
“County act”. A local law or resolution adopted by the board of supervisors.13.
“Local law”. A law adopted by the board of supervisors pursuant to this chapter or other act of the legislature in accordance with the provisions of the municipal home rule law.14.
“Whole number”. Shall have the meaning defined in General Construction Law § 41 (Quorum and majority)section forty-one of the general construction law.15.
“County-using agency”. Any administrative unit of the county which uses any supplies, materials or other articles.
Section 4 — Definitions, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/ACG/4
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).