Town Law Section 294
Armed forces’ burial plot
The town board in each of the towns of this state may upon the application in writing of any veteran armed forces’ association in the town, or upon a petition of any writing of five or more veterans of the armed forces of the United States in towns where no veteran armed forces organization exists, purchase or provide an armed forces’ plot in one or more cemeteries where no burial plots are now owned by armed forces organizations, in which burial plots deceased members of the armed forces of the United States may be interred and, except in the county of Broome, may also provide for the annual care of armed forces’ burial plots in cemeteries, at the rate of not to exceed twenty dollars for each grave of a member of the armed forces in such burial plot or plots, and the expense shall be included in the town expenses, assessed, levied and collected in the same manner as other town expenses are levied and collected.2.
In the county of Broome, the board of supervisors shall provide for the annual care of armed forces’ burial plots, either heretofore or hereafter established, in all cemeteries in such county, at the rate aforesaid, and the expense thereof shall be a county charge audited, assessed, levied and collected in the same manner as are other county charges.
Section 294 — Armed forces' burial plot, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/TWN/294
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Mar. 1, 2025).