N.Y. Town Law Section 177
Powers and duties of fire district treasurer

The fire district treasurer shall be the fiscal officer of the fire district and shall receive and have the custody of the funds of the district and shall disburse the same for the purposes herein authorized when so ordered by resolution of the board of fire commissioners, except that no such resolution of the board of fire commissioners shall be required for the payment of fixed salaries, compensation for services of officers or employees regularly engaged by the fire district at agreed wages by the hour, day, week, month or year unless so required by resolution of the board of fire commissioners adopted at the organization meeting in the month of January, the principal of or interest on obligations issued by the fire district, fixed amounts becoming due on lawful contracts for the purchase of water for fire protection, and amounts which the fire district may be required to pay to the state and local employees’ retirement system on account of contributions for past and current services of firefighters. All such disbursements shall be made by check payable to the order of the person or persons entitled thereto. The fire district treasurer shall also be responsible for filing any paperwork necessary to obtain permits or secure any refunds provided pursuant to Public Authorities Law § 378-A (Emergency service permits)section three hundred seventy-eight-a of the public authorities law. The board of fire commissioners shall designate in the manner provided by General Municipal Law § 10 (Deposits of public money)section ten of the general municipal law the depositaries in which the fire district treasurer shall, within ten days, deposit and secure all moneys coming into his or her hands by virtue of his or her office. At the annual organization meeting of the board of fire commissioners of a fire district the fire district treasurer shall account with the board of fire commissioners for all moneys received and disbursed by him during the preceding fiscal year and shall produce all books, records, receipts, orders, vouchers and cancelled checks or check images as authorized by General Municipal Law § 99-B (Receipts for money received)section ninety-nine-b of the general municipal law respecting the same. At such meeting the fire district treasurer shall file with the board of fire commissioners a statement in writing showing his receipts and disbursements for the preceding fiscal year, which statement shall be in detail and shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting by the fire district secretary, except that the fire district treasurer, if authorized by the board of fire commissioners at a meeting held prior to the annual organization meeting, may within sixty days after the end of the fiscal year, submit to the said board a copy of the annual report required by General Municipal Law § 30 (Reports)section thirty of the general municipal law, in lieu of such statement, in which case the fire district treasurer shall account for all moneys received and disbursed by him during the preceding fiscal year, and shall produce all books, records, receipts, orders, vouchers and cancelled checks or check images as authorized by General Municipal Law § 99-B (Receipts for money received)section ninety-nine-b of the general municipal law respecting the same, at the meeting of the board of fire commissioners at which the said annual report is submitted or at the next meeting held subsequent to the submission of the report if not submitted at a meeting of the board, in lieu of producing such records at the annual organization meeting. Such authorization shall remain in effect from year to year until rescinded by the board of fire commissioners. The annual report shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting by the fire district secretary. The board of fire commissioners may require the fire district treasurer to submit to the board of fire commissioners at any time for examination his books, records, receipts, orders, vouchers and cancelled checks or check images as authorized by General Municipal Law § 99-B (Receipts for money received)section ninety-nine-b of the general municipal law.

Source: Section 177 — Powers and duties of fire district treasurer, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/TWN/177 (updated Jan. 11, 2019; accessed Mar. 9, 2025).

Establishment and extension of fire, fire alarm and fire protection districts
Petition and hearing
Alteration of boundaries of fire districts
Alteration of boundaries of fire protection district
Change of name of fire district
Resolution and hearing for diminution of fire district boundaries
Filing of determination
Filing of determination
Fire district officers
Election of fire district officers
Registration for voters
Absentee ballots for fire district elections
Notice of hearings and elections
Powers and duties of fire district commissioners
Duties of chief and assistant chiefs of fire department of fire district
Volunteer members of fire district fire companies
Removal of fire commissioners
Funding of fire districts
Training requirements for fire commissioners
Powers and duties of fire district treasurer
Powers and duties of deputy fire district treasurers
Powers and duties of the director of purchasing
Powers and duties of fire district secretary
Expenses incurred in attending town and county officers training school
Expenses of the association of fire districts of the state of New York
Expenses of fire district officers, officials and employees
Costs, expenses and damages a fire district charge in certain cases
Special district elections to vote upon appropriations
Actions and proceedings against fire districts
Annual budget and levy of taxes
Budgetary controls
Independent audit of fire districts
Effect of incorporation of village or city including lands within a fire district
Fire alarm districts
Fire protection districts
Contract for water supply outside of fire districts
Water supply outside of fire districts
Savings clause
Exclusion of a fire district from a water supply district
Use of surplus town moneys for purchase of fire apparatus for use in town fire districts
Fire inspection of property in contract areas

Mar. 9, 2025

Last modified:
Jan. 11, 2019

§ 177’s source at nysenate​.gov

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