Religious Corporations Law Section 50-FF
Annual and special corporate meetings
The annual corporate meeting of every church or congregation incorporated under this article shall be held at the time and place fixed by its by-laws, or if no time and place is so fixed, then at a time and place to be fixed by its trustees, but to be changed only by a by-law adopted at an annual meeting; or if not otherwise fixed, such annual corporate meeting shall be held on the date said certificate of incorporation was executed, unless the same fall due on a Sunday or legal holiday in any year, in which case said annual corporate meeting shall be held the day following.2.
A special corporate meeting of any such church may be called by the trustees thereof, on their own motion, and shall be called on the written request of at least ten qualified voters of such church.3.
The trustees shall cause notice of the time and place of its annual corporate meeting, and the names of any trustees whose successors are to be elected thereat, and if a special meeting, of the business to be transacted thereat, to be publicly read by the minister of such church or any of the trustees thereof at a regular meeting of the church for public worship, on the two successive Sundays immediately preceding such meeting.4.
The annual corporate meeting shall be governed with respect to its organization and election of laymen trustees, clerk of the corporation and qualifications of voters (except with respect to age qualifications of voters as provided in section four-a) by the same provisions as set forth in this article for the incorporation of said church, except, that the duly ordained and regularly appointed rector or vicar shall preside, or if there be a vacancy in such office, one of the wardens shall preside, the congregation in such case voting by ballot for its presiding officer.5.
The same provisions shall apply to a special corporate meeting.6.
At the annual corporate meeting the trustees shall cause to be prepared and read thereat a budget giving the approximate amount of money needed for the maintenance of worship, the administration of the temporal affairs of the church and for the care of the property, and such other regular and special items as shall be brought to the attention of the meeting, which budget shall be discussed and decided upon, ratified or amended by the said meeting by majority vote, with ample provision made to raise such funds by whatever usages the church shall elect.
Section 50-FF — Annual and special corporate meetings, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/RCO/50-FF
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Feb. 15, 2025).