Environmental Conservation Law Section 35-0107
Powers and duties of commissioner
The commissioner is hereby authorized to promulgate regulations requiring manufacturers of household cleansing products distributed, sold or offered for sale in this state, to furnish to the commissioner for the public record as herein provided information regarding such products in a form prescribed by the commissioner including the nature and extent of investigations and research performed by the manufacturer concerning the effects of such products on human health and the environment. These reports shall be available to the public at the department of environmental conservation, except those portions the manufacturer determines, subject to the approval of the commissioner, would be, if disclosed, seriously prejudicial to the manufacturer’s legitimate interest in trade secrets and economics of operation.2.
No later than February 1, 1973 the commissioner shall prepare and submit a comprehensive report to the governor and legislature on the status of progress made in research and development to provide a safe and effective substitute for phosphates in household cleansing products.3.
Whenever the commissioner finds, after investigation, that any ingredient of household cleansing products distributed, sold, offered or exposed for sale in this state, other than an ingredient for which limitations are set forth in subdivision 2 of section 35-0105, will or is likely to materially affect adversely human health or the environment, he may, after public hearing, restrict or limit by regulation the use of such ingredient in such products.
Section 35-0107 — Powers and duties of commissioner, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/ENV/35-0107
(updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Feb. 15, 2025).