N.Y. Election Law Section 11-106
Processing of applications by board of elections


The application forms shall be in a form prescribed by the state board of elections.


Upon receipt of the application, the board of elections shall determine upon such inquiry as it deems proper whether the applicant has answered all the questions contained in the application and whether the applicant is legally qualified to receive and vote a special presidential ballot, and, if it finds he is not so qualified, shall reject the application and shall notify the applicant of such rejection and give the reason or reasons therefor. All investigations by the board of elections shall be concluded and all determinations made not later than the sixth day before election.


If the board of elections shall determine that the applicant making the application provided for in this section is qualified to receive and vote a special presidential ballot, it shall, as soon as practicable after it shall have so determined, mail to him at the residence address shown in his application, or deliver to him, or to any person designated by him in writing for such purpose, at the office of the board, such a special presidential ballot and an envelope therefor.


The board of elections shall keep a register of the persons who have made and signed applications for special presidential ballots and of the applicants who have been determined to be qualified. The board shall keep open to public inspection such register of applicants with their names, addresses and application dates and shall give to the chairman of each political party in the county a complete list of applicants for special presidential ballots, containing their names and places of residence, including the election district and ward, if any, and, in the city of New York and the county of Nassau, the assembly district.


The board of elections shall file each original application filed with it and shall maintain an alphabetical index thereof for a period of three years after the election.

Source: Section 11-106 — Processing of applications by board of elections, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/ELN/11-106 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Oct. 12, 2024).

Oct. 12, 2024

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 11-106’s source at nysenate​.gov

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