N.Y. Criminal Procedure Law Section 710.20
Motion to suppress evidence

  • in general
  • grounds for

Upon motion of a defendant who (a) is aggrieved by unlawful or improper acquisition of evidence and has reasonable cause to believe that such may be offered against him in a criminal action, or


claims that improper identification testimony may be offered against him in a criminal action, a court may, under circumstances prescribed in this article, order that such evidence be suppressed or excluded upon the ground that it:


Consists of tangible property obtained by means of an unlawful search and seizure under circumstances precluding admissibility thereof in a criminal action against such defendant; or


Consists of a record or potential testimony reciting or describing declarations, conversations, or other communications overheard, intercepted, accessed, or recorded by means of eavesdropping, or observations made by means of video surveillance, obtained under circumstances precluding admissibility thereof in a criminal action against such defendant; or


Consists of a record or potential testimony reciting or describing a statement of such defendant involuntarily made, within the meaning of section 60.45; or


Was obtained as a result of other evidence obtained in a manner described in subdivisions one, two and three; or


Consists of a chemical test of the defendant’s blood administered in violation of the provisions of subdivision three of Vehicle & Traffic Law § 1194 (Arrest and testing)section eleven hundred ninety-four of the vehicle and traffic law, subdivision eight of Navigation Law § 49-A (Operation of a vessel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs)section forty-nine-a of the navigation law, subdivision seven of section 25.24 of the parks, recreation and historic preservation law, or any other applicable law; or


Consists of potential testimony regarding an observation of the defendant either at the time or place of the commission of the offense or upon some other occasion relevant to the case, which potential testimony would not be admissible upon the prospective trial of such charge owing to an improperly made previous identification of the defendant or of a pictorial, photographic, electronic, filmed or video recorded reproduction of the defendant by the prospective witness. A claim that the previous identification of the defendant or of a pictorial, photographic, electronic, filmed or video recorded reproduction of the defendant by a prospective witness did not comply with paragraph (c) of subdivision one of section 60.25 of this chapter or with the protocol promulgated in accordance with subdivision twenty-one of Executive Law § 837 (Functions, powers and duties of division)section eight hundred thirty-seven of the executive law shall not constitute a legal basis to suppress evidence pursuant to this subdivision. A claim that a public servant failed to comply with paragraph (c) of subdivision one of section 60.25 of this chapter or of subdivision twenty-one of Executive Law § 837 (Functions, powers and duties of division)section eight hundred thirty-seven of the executive law shall neither expand nor limit the rights an accused person may derive under the constitution of this state or of the United States.


Consists of information obtained by means of a pen register or trap and trace device installed or used in violation of the provisions of article 705 (Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Devices)article seven hundred five of this chapter.

Source: Section 710.20 — Motion to suppress evidence; in general; grounds for, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/CPL/710.­20 (updated Jul. 7, 2017; accessed Sep. 7, 2024).

Sep. 7, 2024

Last modified:
Jul. 7, 2017

§ 710.20’s source at nysenate​.gov

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