N.Y. Criminal Procedure Law Section 705.30
Nondisclosure of existence of pen register or a trap and trace device

An order authorizing or approving the installation and use of a pen register or a trap and trace device shall direct that:


the order be sealed until otherwise ordered by the court; and


the person owning or leasing the line to which the pen register or a trap and trace device is attached, or who has been ordered by the court to provide assistance to the applicant, not disclose the existence of the pen register or trap and trace device or the existence of the investigation to the listed subscriber, or to any other person, unless or until otherwise ordered by the court.

Source: Section 705.30 — Nondisclosure of existence of pen register or a trap and trace device, https://www.­nysenate.­gov/legislation/laws/CPL/705.­30 (updated Sep. 22, 2014; accessed Sep. 7, 2024).

Sep. 7, 2024

Last modified:
Sep. 22, 2014

§ 705.30’s source at nysenate​.gov

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